Chapter 1

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Sunnyvale Orphanage.

"I have three orphans for you" The social worker respond as she handed paper works to Ana Macon, headmistress/Mother of the Orphanage for the past twenty years. Yet she never could get over the sight of more heart broken children with no home or family.

She hated her job but she also loved it. Only a 43 years old women, Ana saw herself to help ever orphan child find a new home and a new hope.

Looking for the paper work the social worker further explained.

"We have three boys coming your way, first of them is 9 year old Matt Murdock. His father recent died during his boxing match and his mother died when he was two in a accident. He is also blind for two years ago, his father left him money from his life insurance and he wished for his son to have a new start outside of Hell's Kitchen. The second boy, is a 6 year old boy name Peter Parker, his aunt and uncle were killed three days ago. He was suppose to be placed in a foster home but we decide that he will have a better chance of being adopted. Then we have a 9 year old run away boy, Wade Wilson. He has scars covering his whole body and he refuses to tell officers where he got them. We can't place him in a foster home because all of foster parents refuse to take him in. The orphanage was our last option."

Ana looked up to the social worker before looking over the papers again. These boys had it rough, a blind kid with no father, a little boy who witness his uncle's s and aunt's death, and a run away kid with scars.

It wasn't every day that someone came across kids with very dark paths.

"When will they arrive?"

"They will be arriving tomorrow but in different times." the social worker answered as she got up from her seat. "I hope this means that they have a place here."

Ana nodded.

"Very well then, I will get all the arrangement then. Thank you for your help. Mother Macon"

"Anything to help" Ana replied leading the social worker out the door. Closing the door, Ana entered the lunch area were twenty boys and girls were currently eating lunch.

"What did she say" one of the sisters asked.

"Prepare another room, it appears we have three more boys coming here"

The sister gave her a confused looked but didn't question her any further.

The Next Day

Early the next morning, Ana welcome 9 years Matt Murdock followed by the social worker as they stopped in front of the orphanage.

"Welcome, you must be Matt" Ana greeted with genuine smile.

Matt wore a simple clothing of  sneakers, jeans, shirt and coat along side his shades and walking stick. Matt merely nodded in knowledge. Not bothering to say a word.  Ana couldn't blame him.

"Here are all of Matt's belongings. So he can get comfortable here" The social worker said handling Ana a suitcase.

"Thank you once again" Ana replied.

"Don't thank me just yet. I still have two more boys coming here. So my job isn't done just yet"

"Oh right. But still thank you"

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