Chapter 9

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The night that Victory brought Peter home from the hospital Wade had been giving her the death glare. If Wade had any doubt in her ability to take of them she had just confirmed them. The accident left Matt in shock state and Peter a few night stays at the hospital. Wade never left Peter's side throughout the time that they had brought him back home and the heavy bags under his eyes from his lack of sleep proved it. Wade refused to sleep while Peter was at the hospital so he would often attempt to escape. Victory also didn't get much sleep since she had to stay awake to prevent Wade from leaving the house. One injured child was enough. 

Though it was nothing compared to the night of the accident were they headed back home without Peter. She had to drag a kicking and screaming Wade who refused to leave Peter's side. Matt was still quiet even though Vic had assured him that she was going to train him.

Considering that he didn't help her calm Wade down proved that she had lost Wade's trust along with some of the respect that Matt had for her. Vic knew that she was incompetent when it came to communicating with others. Three children was no different.

So that night after bringing Peter home Wade had locked himself with Peter in his room. Matt sat quickly in the living room while she pondered quietly in the kitchen with a cup of coffee.

She often saw her adoptive parents in this positions. Sitting in the kitchen with mugs in their hands discussing the problem that they had and how they were going to fix them. At times like this called for their help.

"Hello?" Vic whispered through the phone.

"Victory honey? Is something wrong?" Lily responded.

"who is it?" She could hear John yawning through the other line. "Its Victory dear."

""  Vic hesitant for a moment as her throat felt suddenly dry. "Sorry did I wake you"

"Is something wrong?"

"I was just wonder how you were doing? Is dad ok?'

A paused followed with a ruffling sound in the background. "Victory? does this have to do with the job you were hired to do"

Sighing heavily Vic put the phone down for a moment to gather her thoughts before responding. " Yeah.....I might have a bit reckless."

"I know I haven't exactly been the most supportive parent and I don't claim to know your whole past to fully understand you. But I'm trying to do all that I know...which is to support you in your decisions in life" Lily answered. 'You don't have to tell me anything but please keep yourself safe. If not for me but for your brother"

"I will see what I can do"

Lily gave a soft chuckled before going silent. "We never gain your full trust have we?"

Victory hesitated to responded. " sorry"

"its alright dear, despite that it hadn't never stopped me or your father.....we trying to do everything to make you happy at first but you didn't respond to the normal methods so we stopped working so hard to gain your trust that we just let you settle in on your own. "

"...I guess that helps" Vic smiled looking to the living room where Matt was.

"I won't ask what your job is exactly but I want you to know that you can trust us to ask for anything Victory. Your our daughter no matter what. One doesn't need blood to be a family"

"Thanks mom...Lily" Wishing her mother goodnight Vic put the phone down and went to the living room.

On that moment the door bell ranged. Confused on why anyone would visit this late Victory quickly turned to Matt.

"Matt go to your brothers and stay with them until I come back" Matt followed her order without hesitation. She waited for a few moments to make sure Matt was safety inside his room before open the door.  

The moment she open the door she was gag and had a bag put over her head. Someone kick her behind the knees making her fall the ground. Then the same person tied her hands before throwing her over their shoulders and carrying her towards the trunk of a car that speed away as soon as they closed the trunk.

Victory had to remind herself to not panic or risk suffocating. She was tied up and locked inside the trunk as the car moved as what seemed like 10 or 20 minutes tops. She lost count after what seemed like the tenth turn the car made.


Victory is kidnapped!!!!!!!!!

Three little boys are home alone.

What else could go wrong?

Sorry about the late update. Stuff happens but I will continue to write.

Till next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2017 ⏰

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