Chapter 4

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Wade P.O.V.

{Hey! Who turned off the lights?}

[Were unconscious at the moment]

{What in the world happen?}


{white box?.................Wade wake up!!!}

"Am up am up" Wade whined as his eye shoot open which proved to be a mistake. His head was pounding and the voices in his head weren't making things better. In fact we're only making things worst.

"Where are we?"

{I don't know. White box won't say anything}

"Where is he?"


"Hello, white box.....yellow box...anyone..."

"It just us at the moment daring" a voice responded.

Wade looked around to see a women in black robes staring back at him. Her voice was something he recognized instantly.

"Death!" Wade cheered running up to her and jumping into her arms. "I thought I never see you again"

Death laughed hugging Wade, knowing that they had limited time together. "Wade my darling"

"Glad to see you again" Wade cheered.

Death laughed. "Seems you forgot that you died daring but it won't be long before your healing factor kicks in"

"Where is Matty and Petey?" Wade asked looking around and didn't see his brothers. Everything was fuzzy, he remembered trying to escape with his brothers........then everything turned dark and woke up here.

"Matty!! Petey!!!" Wade jumped out of Death's arms realizing that Matt and Peter were both by his side before he block out. "Where are they?"

Death could only stare as Wade frustratedly looked for his brothers. A sadness filled her cold void heart (does death even have a heart? Am not sure but you know what I mean) she couldn't stand seeing her daring Wade suffering. There was only one thing she could do.

"They died daring" Death said. "They don't have your healing factor."

"" Wade cried with tearing falling down. "Matty!!! Petey!!!!"

"I can bring them back"

Wade slowly turned to her, not sure he heard her right. "What!??"

"People don't died until I say it time. They weren't meant to died young." Death paused seeing that she had catch Wade attention before continuing on. "I can bring them back and take you three to another world were you don't have to worry about being separated. But you must promise me that once you died, you will be mine forever "

Wade swapped his tears with his sleeve before nodding. "Am already your Death. Please bring Matty and Petey back"

Death gave him a sincere smiled and at a wave of her hand. Everything began to change. Wade felt himself being suck in a portal, he tired to fight but stopped once he saw the bodies of unconscious Matt and Peter pass by him and into the portal. Giving once last look at Death before letting the portal suck him too.

"We will see each other again!!!!" Wade shouted before he disappeared.

Death was alone surround by nothing. "Within time daring"

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