Chapter 7

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"Miss Brooks"

"Yes" Vic answered looking away from the window of the limo and towards her driver. A tall and sort of buff women in a black suit.

"You are well aware that you mustn't talk about having any contacts with Mr. Luther. There are consequences as Mr. Luther informed you."

Vic snorted. "I will like to see him try........but ya I know. Don't talk about the boys connections to him. To no one"

The women didn't responded but focused on the road.

Vic sighed as she wonder how she was going to keep thing secret and for how long.

Flashback Beginning ........

"Wait, kiddo. Where are you going?" her father asked.

Vic was sitting across her adoptive parents in the family living room. A week had passed since they admitted Johnny in the hospital, two days since she accepts Lex Luther's offer.

Vic sighed shaking her head. She was well aware that explaining her future absence wasn't going to be easy.

"I was offered a job"

John and Lily's eyes widen in shock. They looked at each other nervously, hands together for comfort. They been like that since her brother's first seizure and they haven't stopped since.

"By job you mean like thee job" Lily was the first to speak.

Vic nodded her arms crossed.


"Vic think things over for a moment" her father interrupted. "Let's not be rash and kick the bucket all of the sudden. We need the money yes but not like this."

Vic let her arms fall other side. "It's not the past jobs. It's different"

John frown. "How different?"

"They want me to take care of some business. How long it's for? They weren't specific but they agreed to cover all the medical and family expensive from the moment I start the job till its ends"

"How long do you think it will take you?" Her mother asked. "Is it dangerous!?"

Vic paused for a moment trying to remember the age of the boys she will be taking care of. Two of the older boys were around 10 while the youngest was 7. Lex Luther hadn't informed her until what age, the boys will have to be to no longer need her help. Probably until youngest turned 18, meaning had could probably be gone for....

"Probably for 13 years give or take" Vic answered.

"Th......thirteen years" John shouted hands over his head. "Jesus. Victory do you know how long it's that. Your whole youth down the drain. I am telling you Victory it's not worth it"

"Your father is right, Victory" her mother added. "13 years is long"

Vic shook her head. "It is total worth it. You took me in when I need it the most most. When no one would take me in. Despite my past, you gave me a new name, a new family. Please let me protect this family"

Lily looked to her husband. Vic could tell they were having some sort of silent conversation. They always did that but then again most couple talked like that when they had no words.

After few minutes, John sighed running his hand over his hair. "Alright but at least call us once a week so your mother and I won't be worry sick"

Vic nod. "I promise"

Flashback end........

"We're here"

Very looked out the window to find the sun had already set and the moon was high in the sky. They had parked in front of a small two floor house with a small lawn in the front. Lex Luther was already waiting for them by the door.

Vic took her time existing the limo and walked to the door of the house. Lex Luther wearing another of his fancy suit with that stupid smirk on his face.

"Miss Brooks, glad you could make it"

"Not that I had much choice" Vic whispered to her self. Whether he heard her, she didn't know because he went on by opening the door to the house.

The first thing that Vic saw when she entered the house was two boys running around the living room. One of the boys had scars covering his face wearing red PJs while he chased another smaller boy. The second boy was younger with brown hair and brown eyes with blue PJs.

"Wade. Peter" Lex Luther called.

The two boys quickly stopped and turned to look at them. A third boy with red hair wearing dark red sunglasses enters the room wearing black PJs.

"Boys I want you to meet, Victory Brooks" Lex Lither introduced her. "She will be living with you here"

"Hi" the smallest boys shyly waved at her. "My name is Peter"

Nervously Vic looked around searching for anything familiar. The house was a average small house but was enough for a family of four probably. Their was good furniture, walls painted yellow, from the living room she could see the kitchen and the stair that lead to the second floor. I almost remained her of her old home, where she lived with her parents.

"Hello lady" the first boy called catching her attention.

"Uh ugh, sorry. Victory Brooks but Vic is fine" Vic answered.

"Aunt Vic then" Peter chirped.

Vic nodded. It was only thing she could think of at the moment.

"You already know Peter, the youngest. The boy with in red is my second son, Wade and the boy in he sunglasses is my oldest son, Matt" Lex Luther stepped in.

Vic raised her eyes brow as she turned to face him. "What! No Luther"

"In the file I gave you, they boys are registered as Matt Murdock, Wade Winston Wilson and Peter Benjamin Parker, adopted nephews to a Victory Brooks living in Star City. It's fake file of course, it's also includes in the data base but the real one is locked up. In the real one they do carry my surnames beside their own."

Vic nodded taking the information in.

"I will be going now boys" Lex Luther said as he hugged the boys. "She will keep you safe"

"How are you sure?" Wade asked.

"Because like you Wade, she also has special gifts" Lex Luther countered.

Wade frown not sure wether that was a good or bad thing.

"Bye dad" Peter cried.

Lex Luther nodded as he existed the room. Vic and the boys watched as Lex Luther got back in his limo and drove away. Once the car was out of sight, Vic turned to the boys who stood silently watching her.

"So, who wants some ice cream" Vic asked nervously.


Again don't forget to comment. Till next up date.

P.S. If you want more Marvel and DC crossover. I started writing another story called "Wayne or Stark", if you love rich superheroes kicking bad guys.

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