Legend of the Sharingan Jinjuricki.

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Chapter three:
Naruto and Ino.
(Warning!: There will be a part that gets steamy. Dont complain to me, saying k didn't warn you. Beware..)

**Naruto POV**
It's been three weeks since my accident, and everyone became Chuunin. At least, everyone who fought. Me and Ino are less uncomfortable together, and we are actually pretty close, but not close enough to kiss like she did to me exactly three weeks back. Anyway, I was at the training grounds with Kakashi, who got back from his mission, and asked skeptically, "Have you been training?" I nodded, and showed him my results. "I'm more aware of my surroundings, and I can react faster." I said. He looked at me skeptically, and flashed behind me, I immediately jumped away, as I felt his kunai against me. He looked at me, observing me for a minute, then said, "Alright, your truthful." Then he walked away, leaving me to just stare at him.
I was walking home, when I heard a slight rustle of a bush. I turned my head to see where the source came from, but I couldn't find anything, so I walked away. Little did I know, I was being followed. After a while, I heard the exact same noise, but this time I could pin point the location. I made a rasengan, and hit it against the bush where it had come from. Almost immediately, I heard a high pitch shriek. I then saw Ino fly from the bush, into a nearby tree. I went wide eyed, and ran to her, examining her. I knelt next to her, placed my hand on her neck, and I felt a pulse. I breathed out with relief, as I came to the conclusion that she was just unconscious. I picked her up, and made sure no one was looking, and took her home with me. Dont look at her body. Dont... No! Naruto... Stop it... Damn, I can't help it. I thought. I couldn't help myself but stare at her body as I set her on my bed. She was so toned. I tore my eyes from her body, and walked to the living room. I sat down, made clones, and started to play cards. "Hey! You cheated!" A clone said. "No, you just suck." The other said.
"Do not!" The first said.
"Do too." Second.
"Dont!" First.
"Do." Second.
"SHUT UP!" Me.
"You guys are driving me crazy!" The first scoffed, saying "He started it." The second slapped him, then it was a full out war. Biting, slapping, cutting, you name it. I finally gave up, and dispersed the clones, with a sigh, running my fingers through my hair. I heard a creak, and I turned around to see Ino. She gazed confusingly at me. "What was that noise?" She asked. I shrugged, saying, "I made clones. We had a gamble. They argued. I dispersed them." She nodded, then came to sit down next to me. Close to me. Closer than conversational, or friend zone close. She put her hand on my leg. I stammered, "W-what are you doing?" She smiled nervously, "Thank you, for not leaving me, even if you did hit me with a Rasengan. I just wanted to thank you."

I said,"Well, it wouldn't be proper. Leaving you." I swallowed, my throat dry. "Im thirsty. Are you? Because I am." I went to get up, but she put her hand on my wrist. She looked up with big, pleading eyes.

"Stay. Please." She pleaded. I gave in to her, and sat back down. I didn't look her in the eyes, but instead looked at her legs. That was a mistake. Her long, tan legs had me mesmerized. She put her hand on my chin, and lifted my eyes up to meet hers. Blue met blue, blonde met blonde. Boy met girl. Then she put her hand on my cheek. She leaned forward, slowly. She brushed my lips with hers, but backed up only a little, hesitantly. I cursed mentally. Just do it already! What are you so afraid of? She looked at me, read my expression, which must've been disbelief, and back away. "Sorry. Um.. That was stupid of me, wasn't it?" She said, face turning red, and brushing her hair behind her ear. I rolled my eyes, and put my hand on her cheek, to make her face me. Her eyes looked apologetic, and her lips looked sad. I fixed this by placing my lips on hers. At first she was hesitant, then quickly got over her shock, and kissed me back. I kissed her harder, and put my hand on her back, and my other hand on her head. Her hand found my hair, and intertwined her fingers in my hair. We kissed passionately, hands traveling across each others bodies. I broke the kiss, by kissing her jawline, and kissing her neck. She moaned quietly, and placed her hands behind her, supporting her, while my hands found her hips. Her body shivered when my hot, breath went on her neck. She put her hands inside of my shirt, and felt my skin. She took my shirt off, and started to blush, seeing my muscles, but let me continue to kiss, and lick her neck. I took off her shirt, leaving her in her bra, and small shorts. I was kissing her stomach, and was about to take off her bra, when I heard a knock at the door. I cursed. "Really? Now is not the time." I huffed. Ino smiled at that, winked at me, put her shirt on, and left out of the window, but not without kissing me.

After she left, I made a whimper, wanting her to come back. But I heard the knock again, and I swore I was going to kill whoever was at the door. But, instead I saw Kakashi, and my glare instantly vanished when I saw his grave expression. "What? What happened?" I asked.

"Lord third is dead." He said.

End chapter three.
How was that? I might make a full episode of Naruto X Ino. Rated X. I'm not sure if I should. Comment yes or no. Comment Naruto for yes. Comment Ino for no.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2016 ⏰

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