Skye Did It, Skye Mitchell!

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~ Skye's P.O.V ~

To my surprise, my mother agreed the idea of camping out in Vern's backfield. After getting all my stuff together, it was finally time to meet up with the boys. I packed a sleeping bag, a dollar, a chocolate bar, and an extra pair of clothes.

I wore my hair down with a plaid button up, and blue jean shorts. I didn't have a particular style, but considering I was actually looking for a dead body, I wasn't to keen on the idea of dressing up. And my mother hadn't noticed...thank god. There was no way I'd of been willing to go exploring in a poodle skirt.

My mom dropped me off at the Blue Point to grab a bite to eat before I headed out. I was surprised to see Gordie and Chris walking in the opposite direction.

My mom handed me 3 dollars as I hopped out the front seat.

"I'll see you tomorrow, hun. I love you." She smiled. I started to feel guilty, I rarely lied to my mother.

"Bye Mom, I love you too." The boys must have recognized my voice, it was that second they turned around to see me. I didn't want to interrupt them considering they didn't invite me to have lunch with them.

"Hey Skye," They said together with an open mouthed smile.

"Hi guys, mind if I join you?" I asked.

They both nodded. "Course you can, come here! I was just about to show Gordie something." Chris grinned as I caught up to them.

"Come on." He said to us as we walked over to the back of the diner.

"Come on, what is it?" Gordie and I repeated until Chris took a breath, and pulled out a gun. I was shocked.

"You wanna be the lone ranger or the Cisco kid?" He asked as he passed the gun to Gordie. I gulped.

"Walking talking Jesus where'd you get this?" Gordie wondered in awe.

"Hawked it from my old man's bureau, it's a .45." He smirked.

Gordie raised an eyebrow. "I can see that." He replied, pretending to shoot the gun. "You got shells for it?"

"Yeah, took all that was left in the box. My dad will think he used them himself, shooting at beercans while he was drunk." Chris elaborated. Gordie stared at the gun in amazement.

Chris laughed and met eyes with me. "Come on, Gordie. Let Skye have a turn."

My eyes widened as Gordie gave me the gun. My breathing hitched as I held it and aimed at the dumpster... Wait...

"Is it loaded?" I asked Chris in all seriousness.

"Hell no! What do you think I am?"

I pulled the trigger, and before I could blink, it fired. Right at the dumpster.

"JESUS!" We all yelled.

"Lets get out of here!" Gordie hollered. No one had to think twice.

"Skye did it, Skye Mitchell! " Chris and Gordie exclaimed as we ran away from the scene and onto the sidewalk.

"Shut up!" I told them, bent over heaving. Jesus fuck, me with a loaded gun...I could've killed someone.

"Oh Skye, you should've seen your face." Gordie started.

Chris nodded. "Yeah that was cool, that was really fine."

"You knew it was loaded you asshole! I could've killed someone, not to mention I'll be grounded for years. She saw me you know!" I blared at Chris. I couldn't believe he was willing to hurt me for a stupid joke.

"Shit Skye, she thought it was firecrackers." Gordie said. I didn't make eye contact with either one of them and began to walk away.

"I don't care, it was a mean trick." I stated lowly, starting to get emotion al. I would usually try to act extra tough in front of the boys. I was the only girl in the gang, and I was always worried about dragging them down.

They were both quiet.

"Skye," Chris began, grabbing my shoulder and turning me around to face him. I didn't know how to react.

"I didn't know it was loaded, honest." He confessed with genuine sincerity.

I bit my lip. "You swear?"

"Yeah, I swear."

"On your mother's name?"


"Even if she goes to hell because you lied?"

"Yeah I swear!"

I started to feel a little bit better. "Pinky swear?"

He raised his pinky finger before kissing it and locking it with mine. He raised his eyebrows, mentally asking if he was forgiven. I let myself smile.

Gordie, who I'd obliviously forgotten was there, smirked and crossed his arms.

"Hey girls where you goin?" Chris' brother, Eyeball Chambers, teased us as he walked out of a store with a few other greasers he hung around him, I was pretty sure they called themselves the Cobras.

Chris instinctively put his hand on my lower back.

Ace appeared from behind Eyeball and grabbed Gordie's hat. No fucking way.

"Hey, come on man, my brother gave me that." Gordie pleaded.

"And now, you've given it to me." Ace leered.

"Give him back his hat you bastard." I spat at him.

"You're not very polite, are you, sweet cheeks?" Ace grumbled, eyeing me up and down. Chris held my hand and tried to steer me away from them, Gordie followed.

"You're a real asshole, you know that?" Chris asked Eyeball sarcastically with a death stare.

Eyeball stepped forward and glared down at his little brother. "Now, Christopher, I know you didn't mean to insult my friend."

"I know he didn't mean to insult me, that's why I'm going to give him the opportunity to take it back."

Before I knew it, Ace had pinned Chris to the ground.

"Ah.. Oh shit.." Chris moaned, clearly hurt.

"Come on man, stop it!" Gordie shouted.

"Stop you're hurting him!" I gasped, praying Chris would just take it back so Ace wouldn't do any more damage.

"You bastard! Let go of me!"

I was petrified, I'd heard plenty of horror stories involving Ace and I knew I'd hate myself if I let my best friend be his next victim. I watched Ace move his cigarette closer to Chris' face.

"Stop it man!" Gordie demanded.

"Cut it out, cut it out."

"Take it back." Ace warned Chris, pushing him harder against the pavement.

"Okay I'll take it back, I take it back!" Chris gave in.

Ace stood up, letting Chris out of his grasp. I grabbed Chris' hand and pulled him in the middle of Gordie and I.

Ace inched closer towards us.

"There, now I feel a whole lot better about this.." He began. I put my hand on Chris' shoulder. "How about you? Good."

"See you later girls." Eyeball taunted.

And they were gone, just like that. Gordie and I, incredulous, stood still as Chris seemed to shake off the incident easily.

"Come on, just forget em."

A/N: chapter two is up :D I already have chapter three and four done, I just need to edit them and I should have another update soon xx

tell me what you guys thought this <3

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