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~ Gordie's P.O.V ~

We watched Skye walk away from us. I had no idea where Chris' outburst came from, it came as a huge surprise to me. If anyone else had spoken to her like that he would've flipped out. I knew my best friend, he cared about Skye...a lot, she was one of his main priorities. Something was wrong.

"Shit..." Chris mumbled as he kicked rocks on the gravel, regret evident in his eyes. I shook my head.

"Why did you say that?" I asked him, desperate to figure out what was going on.

"I don't know..." He started biting the inside of his mouth. "God, I'm such an idiot."

"She only said to protect you, man. She really cares about you." I comforted him, giving him a half smile.

"That's the problem. She cares too much, she's gonna get hurt. Gordie, I swear...one day, I'm gonna fuck up so badly, and screw myself over. I'm not safe here, no one is." Chris elaborated halting in his steps to make eye contact with me. I understood what he was saying, but there was no way pushing Skye away was going to do any good.

"She doesn't care, Chris. She really doesn't care, you have to talk to her tonight. She only blames herself."

"You're right, I will. Of course I had to do this, y'know, were the only ones who believe in her. She's gone through so much, and even though we're the only people who have faith in her...she still keeps her head up, she keeps going." He explained in a caring manner, not angry in the slightest...but disappointed in himself. I nodded as he went on.

"I just want her to be happy." He finished.

"You do make her happy, everyone can tell." I said in all honesty.

Chris smirked and took a deep breath.

"I mean, it works better when you don't compare her to our Mom's, you're getting there though." I snickered.

Chris pursed his lips and winced, reliving the moment,


We were silent for a while.

"Chris, do you think I'm weird?" I asked.

~Skye's P.O.V~

With Chris and Gordie following behind, I could hear them talking about school. Scoecifially, college courses. Chris was going on about how he doesn't want to drag Gordie down, but I don't see why he can't just take college courses with us. He's very smart.

Minus Vern's complaints, huffing and puffing, no one had said a word until we'd approached a giant bridge built for the train tracks. Everyone stopped and stared.

"Any of you guys know when the next train is due?" Vern broke the silence. I shook my head.

"We could go down to the route-136-bridge?" Chris suggested.

"What, are you crazy?" Teddy exclaimed. "That's five miles down the river, if you walk five miles down the river you gotta walk ten miles back. That could take till dark. If we go across here, we'll get to the same place in ten minutes."

Yeah, and possibly get hit by a train!

"Yeah, but if a train comes there's nowhere to go." Vern groaned.

"Well, there is. You just jump."

"Teddy, that's a hundred feet." Chris stated, incredulous.

"Yeah, Teddy."

Teddy turned towards all of us and took a deep breath. "Okay, you guys can go round if you want. I'm crossing here, and while you guys are dragging your candy asses half way across the state and back...I'll be waiting for you on the other side. Relaxing with my thoughts."

"You use your left hand or your right hand for that?" Gordie smirked. I snorted.

Teddy whipped around and shook his head slowly. "You wish."

We had to walk along the train tracks pretty slowly considering they all had huge spaces in between them. Teddy was in the front, I was close behind him on all fours, Chris was walking behind me, Vern was crawling behind him, and Gordie was walking at the very end. It was an interesting pattern.

I heard Chris talk from above me.

"It's hard to talk to you when you're crawling." He sighed. I rolled my eyes even though I knew he couldn't see me.

"Good, I don't want to talk to you anyways." I replied.

"Skye, will you please stand cup and look at me." Chris begged. I could hear the desperation is his voice. I gave in and shakily stood up.

I stared at him.

"I'm sorry I said all those mean things about you earlier. I didn't mean any of them, honestly."

"Why did you do it?" I asked him.

He sighed. "We care about each other a lot, I'm just...I'm not used to that and I guess I just-"



A/N: I'm sorry this is so short! I didn't mean to publish this and I don't wanna change it too much for the next update lmao I promise the next one will be much longer!

SHE WAS FEARLESS ~ CHRIS CHAMBERSWhere stories live. Discover now