Maybe It Shouldn't Be a Party

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~ Skye's P.O.V ~

As soon as the five of us were back on route, our moods had changed completely.

Everything became dull, and downright depressing.

Teddy was crying, too ashamed to  face any of us. He continued to talk about his father, presumably, a hero who stormed the beach at Normandy. But Teddy knew the truth, whether he was willing to admit it to himself or not.

All we'd been able to do at that age was be there for him.

Chris, Gordie, and Vern, comforted Teddy behind me. I walked straight in front of them, completely dazed. Unknown to the boys, I'd felt genuinely afraid. I assumed someone was bound to bring up what Milo said about me.

I was too consumed by my own thoughts to chat with anyone. Although I wanted to assure Teddy that everything was going to be okay, I was still processing what happened.

Beginning to bounce back into reality, I slowed my pace so the boys were able to catch up with me.

Chris gave me a sweet smile, I returned the favor.

"He ranked my old man." Teddy said, wiping his tears.

"What do you care 'what a bad old pile of shit like him says about your old man?" Chris dug at Milo in attempt to cheer up his friend.

Gordie faked a smile. "Yeah, he still stormed the beach at Normandy, right?"

"He knows nothing about your old man, he's just dog shit." Vern added.

"Whatever is between you and your old man, he can't change that!" Chris exclaimed.

Teddy was clearly overwhelmed. "Forget it! Forget it, alright." He shouted.

I blankly stared up at the baby blue sky above me as everyone awkwardly took their time.

Vern, trying to break the awkwardness, began to sing. I slightly turned towards him, shaking my head. He stopped.

I took a shaky breath, admiring the aspen trees as if I were perfectly fine.

"I'm sorry if I'm spoiling everyone's good time." Teddy apologized with a guilty expression.

"It's okay, it's okay man."

I gulped. "Im not sure it should be a good time." I told them, revealing my tear stained cheeks.

"Are you saying you wanna go back?" Chris asked me in disbelief.

"No," I confirmed with agitation. "Were going to see a dead kid, Ray was my friend. Maybe it shouldn't be a party." I explained, my voice not cracking once. I hadn't even realized I was crying.

"Yeah, like if he's really bad like all cut up with blood and shit all over him; I might have nightmares."

Chris' heart broke as he took in my disheveled appearance, my face falling as I listened to Vern's ragged description of my former friend. He took a deep breath and tried to control his anger.

"Come on, Vern." Chris said sternly.

"You know, like all guts, and eyeballs...jumping around?"

SHE WAS FEARLESS ~ CHRIS CHAMBERSWhere stories live. Discover now