Train Coming

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~ Skye's P.O.V ~

What do we need a pistol for anyways?" Vern asked. We were walking along the train tracks in the woods, all five of us. It was the start of an adventure I'd never forget.

"It's spooky sleeping out at night in the woods, we might see a bear." I answered.

"Or a garbage can." Added Gordie. I giggled and nodded.

"I brought a comb." Stated Vern, we all slowed down.

"What do we need a comb for?" Chris asked.

"Well, if we get in T.V, We wanna look good don't we?" Vern explained.

"You can't be serious." I muttered.

"That's a lot of thinking Vern." Gordie said sarcastically.


Teddy pretended to punch Vern. Yes, you heard me right.

"Two for flinching." He smiled, Vern made a noise and sighed.

"How far d'you think it's gonna be?" Teddy asked Chris.

"If we follow the tracks all the into Harlow it might be about twenty. Sound about right to you, Gordie?"

"Yeah, yeah. It might even be thirty."

"Gee, maybe we should just hitchhike." Vern suggested.

"I agree with Vern." I laughed.

"No way, that sucks." Teddy interfered. I groaned in defeat, I really needed to exercise more, I was already exhausted.

"Why not? We could go down route seven to the Shiloh church then down the back Harlow road. We'd be there by sundown."

"That's pussy."

"Hey, it's a long ways." Vern defended himself.

"Did your mother ever have any kids that lived?" Teddy asked. I snorted.

"What d'you mean?"


We'd been singing for quite some time until Gordie spoke up.

"We could fill up at the junkyard. My dad said it's a save well."

"But what about Chopper?" I tried to persuade them. But the dog wasn't the real reason I didn't want to was the angry old man who owned him, Milo Pressman. I'd known Milo since I was about two years old. To be frank, he was psychotic. He did a lot of things to me I wasn't prepared to come to terms with, nearly every single night. I hated him with a passion.

"If Choppers there we'll send Vern in." Chris told us.

"Haha very funny." Started Vern. "Hey, I'm kinda hungry...who's got the food?"

Oh Well I had a chocolate bar...but there was no way in hell the boys were going to know about that. Nope I didn't, and never will, share my food.

"Oh shit! Did anybody bring anything?"

"Not me, what about you two?" Chris asked Gordie and I. We shook our heads.

"Well this is great. What are we supposed to do, ear our feet?" Teddy joked dryly. I scoffed.

"You didn't bring anything either?" Chris tested Teddy.

"Oh shit, this wasn't my idea it was Vern's idea." Teddy raged, turning to Vern. "Why didn't you bring something?"

"What am I supposed to do, think of everything? I brought the comb."

I started to laugh. "Oh great, you brought a comb!" I exclaimed. "What do you need a comb for you don't even have any hair." I finished. Chris, Gordie, and Teddy started to laugh along with me.

"I've an idea. Let's see how much money we've got." Gordie started. We all sat down in a circle, rooting through our pockets for money.

"A dollar from me and Skye, sixty eight cents from Chris, sixty cents from teddy..." Gordie paused and gave Vern a disapproving look. "Seven cents, Vern?"

"Well three thirty sevens not bad at all. Quidachioluo's is at the end of the little road that goes by the junkyard. I think we can get some stuff there." Gordie informed us.

"Train coming." Chris said, guiding me off the tracks with his hand on my back, once again. Hell, I'm surprised my knees didn't give out.

"Geronimo!" Vern shouted.

"Come on, Teddy!" I said, starting to get nervous as the train grew closer.

"No. I'm gonna dodge it."

Oh Teddy...

"Come on, Teddy-man Get off the tracks, you're crazy." Chris responded, quickly losing patience.

"Train Dodge. Dig it."

"Get the hell off the tracks, Teddy. You wanna get yourself killed?" Chris warned him. I was fired up.

"Just like the beach in Normandy."   Teddy said calmly.

I couldn't believe my eyes, Teddy wasn't moving.

"Teddy get off the fucking tracks!" I hollered, taking the boys by surprise.

Chris had enough, he pulled Teddy off the tracks with help from the boys. I didn't know what to was starting to get violent.

"I don't need no babysitter."

"You do too."

There was a temporary silence

"Skin it." Chris said, attempting to make peace.

Teddy shook his head and began to walk away. "I could have dodged it."

After Chris' wise words of wisdom, Teddy finally caved. We were all taken aback, but back to walking. Great.


We approached the junkyard. I looked around, standing under a sign that said 'Castle Rock Salvage.'

Teddy looked at the broken down vehicles. "Hey Vern, looks like your mom's been out driving again."

"Ah, that's so funny I forgot to laugh." Vern grumbled, I gave him a pat on the shoulder before climbing the fence. I was the first one to get over.

I flipped my hair and started walking backwards. "Damn you boys are slow." I drawled.

The Gang trailed behind me as I admired the scenery ahead. I was thrilled and the excitement was solely beginning.


A/N: This chapter is shorter but don't worry the next one is a lot longer :D and in my opinion rlly good like JFC

I won't let yas down :D

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