Move Over, Chris

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~ Skye's P.O.V ~

Gordie's story was great. A little...okay, a lot, stomach quenching. Nonetheless, I was incredibly proud of him. I was glad he had something that made him genuinely happy. Everyone knew he'd be a great writer someday. We all cheered and began to laugh.

Gordie was flattered.

"Now that was the best, just the best." Chris expressed.

"That was really amazing Gordie, you have to be a writer." I agreed, smiling sincerely.


"Then what happened?" Teddy wondered.

"What do you mean?" Gordie asked, clearly confused.

"I mean," Teddy repeated himself. "What happened?"

"What do you mean 'what happened,' that's the ending." Gordie clarified.

"How can that be the end, what kind of an ending is that? What happened to Lardass?" Teddy exclaimed.

"I don't know, maybe he went home and celebrated with a couple of cheeseburgers."

"Jeez, that ending sucks-"

"Teddy!" I scolded.

"Why don't you make it so that Lardass goes home, and he shoots his father, and he runs away...and he joins the Texas Rangers. How about that?" Teddy spoke confidently.

"I don't know."

"Something good like that." Teddy continued.

"Yes, Teddy. Because that's a totally realistic ending when it comes to a fat kid in a pie eating contest." I scoffed.

"Oh shut up, Mitchell." Teddy sneered. I smiled in return.

"I like the ending, the barfing was really good! But there is one thing I didn't understand." Vern paused. "Did Lardass have to pay to get into the contest?"

Oh Vern...

"No Vern, they just let him in." Gordie answered slowly.

"Oh!" Vern chuckled. I couldn't stop myself from laughing. "Oh great, great story."

"Yeah, it's a great story, Gordie. I just didn't like the ending." Teddy shrugged, unamused as he made himself comfortable.

"Hey, Verno, where's the radio?" Chris asked. "Let's see if we can get some sounds."

Vern handed Chris the small portable radio. "Here."

We talked about random things for a while; Wagon Train episodes, favorite foods, the Mickey Mouse club, specifically whether Goofy was a dog or not, and little things we wouldn't remember the next day.

"Guys... what are we supposed to do if one of us has to go number two?" I yawned. The boys looked at me as of I had two heads.

However, none us mentioned Ray Brower, but we were all thinking about him.


SHE WAS FEARLESS ~ CHRIS CHAMBERSWhere stories live. Discover now