Should've Stuck To The Tracks

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~ Skye's P.O.V ~

The train woke everyone. Although, a part of me has always felt that Gordie'd been out exploring that morning.

I  pretended I didn't hear the loud echo and closed my eyes. Just a few minutes of sleeping...that's all I need.

Teddy kicked my sleeping bag.

"Get up you lazy-"

"Leave me alone."

I rolled over and tried to ignore the shuffle of footsteps beside me.

"We're tired too," Chris began, kicking me in a similar fashion. "Deal with it, Mitchell."

I tuned into the sound of birds tweeting and breathed in the smokey aroma of the previous night. I was nowhere near willing to accept it... only had one more day, and our adventure was over.

Two more pairs of feet huddled around my sleeping bag, gently kicking and pushing me in attempt to get me moving. I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks.

I groaned and sat up, quickly gathering up my things and leaving. I was distressed to the point I refused make eye contact with anyone. The boys trailed behind me. They discussed our plans as I yawned and walked along the tracks, wobbling after each step. I slept for maybe an hour that night, my worries had kept me awake.

What if we get lost? What if someone finds outs? What if no one finds out and we die out here?

I was really missing my bed.

"You okay Skye?" Gordie snickered. I lost my balance. With my eyes half closed, I nodded.

"Hey Skye, did Ray's ghost keep you up all night?" Teddy joked, teasing both Vern and I at the same time. I ignored his comments, too tired to banter.

After complaining about not remembering any breakfast, we discovered blueberry bushes and knew it was our only option. It didn't take long until we were drenched in blueberry sauce. With our stomachs rumbling, we pressed on toward the Royal River. The reality of Ray Brower was growing, and kept us moving despite the heat. While everyone else had become obsessed with the idea of finding Ray's dead body, I was absolutely dreading it.

We all stopped.

"Lady and gentlemen, the Royal." Chris exclaimed.

Teddy squinted his eyes. "God, the tracks go out of the way."

"If we cut across the field right here, we'll be there in an hour." Chris estimated.

"I think we should stick to the tracks." Vern piped up.

"I think we should go across the field."

I nodded, agreeing with Chris and Teddy.



Teddy pumped his sleeping bag in the air and leaped forward.

"Take no prisoners!" He belted.

Three out of four boys smiled as they ran through the long thick field.

"Come on men!" Teddy shouted. I giggled, watching them goof off as Vern wearily stood by my side.

"Hey you guys, it's a lot safer if we ahh-"

SHE WAS FEARLESS ~ CHRIS CHAMBERSWhere stories live. Discover now