Kiss My Ass, Choppy

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~ Skye's P.O.V ~

"AAAAH!" I screamed, turning rapidly to witness Gordie and Chris running straight towards me. I stood still like a dear caught in headlights.

"WOOO, Gordie Lachance at the tape, the crowd goes wild! Yes!" Gordie celebrated himself, Chris furrowed his eyebrows.

"No fair, Skye was in my way!"


"Awh come on Chris, no one likes a sore loser." Gordie stated with a cheeky smile.

"Fine, fine. You win, Lachance." Chris chuckled in defeat. He slung an arm around both of our shoulders.


The gang decided to take a break. We sat on the ground together in the junkyard, simply enjoying each other's company.

"Have you guys been watching the Mickey Mouse Club lately?" Teddy asked us, we nodded.

"I think Annette's tits are getting bigger." He admitted. I grimaced and threw a rock at him, he dodged it easily.

Chris looked at my disgusted facial expression and laughed. "You think so?" Really Chris, I thought you were better than that. Tsk tsk.

"Yeah, I thinks he's right. I've been noticing that the A and E are beginning to bend around the sides." Wow Gordie, you too?

I looked down at my chest...I would've felt a lot better if my boobs weren't so noticeable at the moment.

"Annette's tits are great." Vern said. Really Vern? I thought you were innocent.

"Yeah." The others agreed. I shook my head.

I'm surrounded by perverts." I muttered.

"Hey, I'm not a pervert!" Chris complained.

The rest of the boys watched as I stood up. "Maybe not as much as them, but oh yeah, you're definitely a-" my sentence was cut off, just as I began to walk off to...god knows where, Chris pulled me down. I let out a squeak, falling onto his lap and pressing up against him.

I quickly moved, hoping the boys didn't notice my flaming cheeks.

All was quiet for a second until Vern started to laugh.

"Skye you look like a tomato!" Vern bursted, causing the rest of the boys to double over in laughter. I looked down, uncontrollably blushing harder.

"Do not!" I protested.

"Do to." Chris grinned, eyeing me. I punched him in the shoulder.

"This is really a good time." Vern smiled. I nodded.

"The best." Chris agreed, still wearing the same smile from when I fell into his lap.

"A blast."

After fooling around for a little bit, Teddy wound up spitting in Vern's face. Don't ask me how.

"Great, spit at the fat kid, true good."

"What time is it, Gordie?" I snickered, Gordie glanced at his watch.

"Umm...Quarter after one." He replied.

"We should go get the food. The junkyard opens at three. Chopper will be here." I shuddered.

"You go! You can pick us up on the way back, plus you don't have any ba-." Vern started. "Nevermind."

I rolled my eyes.

"We should all go." I said.

"I'm staying right here." Teddy told me. I groaned.

"And you say Vern's the pussy." I sneered, everyone 'oooed'.

SHE WAS FEARLESS ~ CHRIS CHAMBERSWhere stories live. Discover now