The boarding of harmony and lavender Part one

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The Boarding of Harmony and Lavender


Chapter one

            We had been driving at least two hours since we last came across a town when the car finally stopped. In front of us was an extremely large dark, almost castle like building that was surrounded by a very tall Iron Gate that wrapped around the entire school grounds. I’m sure the school tells the students that the gates purpose is to keep unwanted visitors out, but in reality we all know it’s to keep the students in.

I stepped out of the cars passenger seat and slammed the door shut making as much effort to show my anger and how much I did not want to be here.

“Now Harmony I know you’re mad about this but you seriously do not have to take it out on my car, I believe you have already made your point this morning with the front door; I seriously think you did some pretty bad damage to the wood work.”

Aunt Carmen angrily placed her hands on her hips before she spoke again

“I understand how you must feel but you have brought this upon yourself!” her normally annoyed expression turned upset. Aunt Carmen would be much more attractive if she didn’t always have that look on her face. She was in her early thirties and was olive skinned with long black hair that was so curly that she could not do anything with it but leave it down. She was shapely with a chest that filled out nicely, a normal waist but rather large hips. I turned around to look in her dark eyes before I spoke.

“So you’re telling me it was entirely my fault and I willingly brought this upon myself! You’re telling me that I’m the one who told that bitch Andrea to punch me!” anger ran so think through my voice that I hardly recognized it as my own.

“Now Harmony I know you didn’t start the fight but we both know you could have prevented it, and don’t use that language in front of me again”

She took a deep breath then her face filled with and emotion that appeared to be sadness or was it sympathy?

“Look I’m sorry I have to send you here but it’s the only way you will learn and besides St. Maria’s is the best boarding school in the state”

“Whatever” I replied as I turned my back on her and the car and marched up to the gate, a man who was carrying a clip bored and had on what looked like a security guard uniform on made eye contact with me “name” he asked coldly

“Harmony Raven Kingston”

the man scanned the list then walked over to the gate opening it a just enough for me to fit through then said “go right in miss Kinston, Mrs. Rinder is waiting for you in the front building” I walked up to the opening in the gate but before I entered I peered back at Carmen, she looked sad and for once she looked her age

“I’m sorry I really am but know I love you and will miss you, please be the good girl I know you are” she looked almost in tears when she finished speaking

“Yeah I know…I love you too” then I turned away from my old life then walked through the gates and into my own personal hell known as St. Maria’s all girls bordering school.

Chapter Two.

I walked up the path which was longer then I expected. When I got up close to the school building there was a older women waiting for me, when she saw me she spoke

“you must be Miss Kingston I presume, welcome to St. Maria’s” the lady that I assumed was Mrs. Rinder was tall and pail, her gray hair I’m guessing was long but I couldn’t tell to much since it was pulled back into a neat bun. She wore a long black dress what was long sleeved. She reminded me of a Salem witch in a weird way, Mrs. Rinder couldn’t be sixty but I think she was pushing the wrong end of fifty.

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