The boarding of Harmony and Lavender Part Twelve

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Madison was upstairs in her room, but she could still feel the vibrations of the music and hear the laughter and shouting coming from the party downstairs. She was putting the last touches on her make up before going downstairs to join the party. She looked at herself in the mirror, examining her Cat Woman costume with the tight leather body suit and her hair straightened and slicked back. She grinned at her reflection as she pulled on the black Cat Woman mask that completed the look. Then she walked out of her room shutting the door behind her because she didn't want anyone from the party to come upstairs and go through her stuff. As she walked down the stairs she smiled to herself, satisfied at the turn out of people. Her large house was so full of guests she hardly had room to walk around, she looked around the room hardly acknowledging the "Hey Madison" and "Awesome party" she was hearing from numerous different people. Then she spotted her, her silver blonde hair stood out like liquid moonlight in comparison to everyone else in the room and of course she was standing next to that wretched Harmony girl. She stared enviously at Harmony; she too was wearing a tight body suit even though hers was obviously different and made out of something different then Madison's leather costume but she couldn't help but feel jealous because she was the one standing and laughing with Lavender and because looking at her in the tight body suit Madison felt as if she looked like a child in comparison to her. I mean Madison was slender and had small curves but that harmony girl's body looked like an hourglass.

"You know if I were you I would be a bit more discreet when spying on Lavender" Madison didn't even have to turn around to know who was speaking behind her because she already recognized his voice, as a matter of fact he was the only male voice other then her fathers that she recognized.

"I was not spying on your sister" I defended.

Auburn laughed and moved from behind me to my right side.

"Really then what were you doing?" he asked

"Looking at Harmony and making fun of her stupid hair in my mind" I said

Auburn looked in the direction of Harmony and Lavender and he lifted his eyebrows in surprise

"Harmony..." he said in a dreamy like voice

"I didn't notice last time how nice her body was" he grinned mischievously

"Oh no not you too" I complained.

I awkwardly wrapped my arms around my stomach feeling slightly self conscious now.

"She looks happy" Auburn said cautiously as if he thought I might explode at his words, he knew me better then I gave him credit for.

"She used to be like that around me" I said defensively.

"No, she was never like that with you" he shrugged.

I felt anger bubble up in me, I wanted nothing more them to slap him right here and now but with all of my will power I repressed that urge and instead I said,

"Yes, she was!"

Auburn sighed and looked me in the eyes; I noticed that he was wearing his normal black suit not a costume.

"No Madison she was never quite like that with you. Her whole life she has been hungry and you were like a large glass of water and bread, dulling her hunger but never quite filling her up. But since she's never had anything else to eat she would gladly take the bread and water. But then Harmony comes along, and that Harmony girl... she's a full course meal; Lavenders' never going to want just bread and water again." He looked at me with pity in his eyes as he finished.

I was so mad I wanted to scream, but I couldn't, not in front of all these people. So I took my frustration out in another way.

"Your hair looks stupid and you look like an idiot not wearing a costume" I snapped.

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