7. Welcome to the pack

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Dacia looked up at Dorin as his lips parted away from her forehead. Her cheeks were slightly pink as he simply cleared his throat and averted his gaze.

-"Um...Were you able to understand imprinting and love now...Dacia?"- he said while trying to sound as normal as possible.

To be honest, he was so nervous, because he had kissed her forehead, that he did not know what else to do. It frightened him to not know how Dacia Lupu would react after what he had done. He simply wanted to hit his head against a wall and try to forget he had even done so, but he was so nervous that he couldn't even move and run off to do so.

-"I-I guess so"- Dacia finally answered while stutering a bit.

He quickly glanced at her, but she simply looked away nervously. That reaction certainly took him by surprise. He smirked michiviously and then peered into her face.

-"Really? Why are you so nervous?"- he said a bit teasingly as she gave him a quick glance and then looked away. "I hug you most of the time. Was that too much?"

Dorin knew that she was certainly flustered and took that to his advantage to tease her a little. He placed his hands on her shoulders and he felt her go stiff all of the sudden.

-"Daci?"- he said while he kept up smirking.

-"Y-Y-Yes?"- she said nervously, in a high-pitched tone of voice, without looking at him.

-"Look at me"-

She simply stood straight and tried to look forward, but she ended up casting her eyes down. He chuckled and placed his hands on her face forcing her to look at him.

-"Daci. Why are you so flustered?"- he kept teasing her.

-"Kiss....forehead...you..."- she tried to say, but she was so embarrassed that she ended up having her thoughts mixed up.

-"I was just trying to help you understand imprinting and love. You didn't need to get so flustered. Hasn't anyone ever kissed your forehead before? I mean...like a guy..."- 

He was also a little nervous being so close to her, but he didn't dare tell her about it. Dacia simply shook her head while Dorin's eyes lit up.

-"R-Really?! No one?!"- he said half shocked and half relieved.

-"Besides my dad when I was younger no....Well, I'd say you are the first"- she answered as she took a step back from him a little wary of him while he simply nodded happily in understanding leaving Dacia even more confused.

Dorin turned around and smiled smiling to himself while Dacia mumbled to herself "What's wrong with him?". They decided to head back to the manor, but  suddenly Dorin stopped his tracks and looked around. Dacia looked at him confused.

-"Is everything alright?"- she asked him, but he simply stretched his arm in front of her as if stopping her from moving any closer as he gestured her to remain in silence.

Something was watching them and he was certain of it. They heard the sound of the crushing leaves on the ground and the sound of something running around them. Dacia simply moved closer to Dorin as he looked around ready to jump in at any moment if they were attacked. Dacia sniffed the air as she closed her eyes and tried to listen closely to her surroundings. She suddenly opened her eyes as she gasped. Dorin looked at her worriedly as she shook her head.

-"Dorin..."- she began. "Is it normal if I smelled blood from afar and heard someone panting as crazy as if craving for something?"

Dorin looked at her completely confused.

-"What?! Blood? What are you talking about?! I can't even smell---"- he stopped as he sniffed he air and looked at her shocked.

He had finally caught the scent and was stupefied with her kin senses.

-"Dacia...you have wolf powers"- he said still amazed as he saw something leap from between the trees and he transformed right there into a werewolf and began fighting with the crazed creature.

Dacia gasped as she covered her mouth at the sight of a vampire attacking Dorin. The vampire was wearing some old and teared-off clothes covered in blood. It seemed as a crazed up human being that had been holding for too long for the taste of blood, but with fangs of course, and half dead.

-"Dorin!"- she cried out as she saw both Dorin and the vampire roll around on the forest's ground as they kicked each other.

Dorin flew off and hit his head with a tree and then the vampire was getting ready to leap at him, but Dacia simply ran towards it and pushed it against the ground with a loud cry. The vampire tried to get her off of him, but she didn't let go. The only thing she knew at the time was how to fight like a boy and that's what she would do to defend both Dorin and herself. The vampire tried to bite her from time to time, but she managed to hit him under his chin and move away as fast as she could.

-"Daci!"- said Dorin as he finally recovered consciousness.

He tried to run towards the vampire, but he was immediately pushed down by another one that came out of nowhere. Dacia looked at Dorin while trying to defend herself from the first vampire. She had heard of them in her classes, but had never seen one before. Picking up a near by rock, she hit the vampire on the head and ran to Dorin's aid.

"Dacia! Run!"

He begged, but she simply wouldn't listen when...

-"Ahh!"- she felt a terrible pain on her deltoid as she felt the fangs of the first vampire pierce her skin.

Dorin's eyes grew wide opened as he saw Dacia getting harmed. Fully enraged, he did not think if the creature had life or not, he simply stood up and took the creature by its neck between his teeth and crushed it down and made sure that the creature was completely teared into pieces. Dacia simply looked at the vampire over her shoulder with fierce eyes and, without any pity towards the vampire, she punched the creature so hard that one of the fangs remained on her skin while the vampire flew and hit a nearby tree. Dacia began growling and, in seconds, she ran towards the vampire and instantaneously transformed into a white wolf and destroyed the vampire into so many pieces that it even scared Dorin, who had turned around to defend her, but found himself a little too late.

"So much for my romantic scene", thought Dorin as he watched Dacia finish the vampire off and then looked at him while growling. He was certain that she was suffering from a blackout, which meant he would just have to let her run off for a while until she transformed back into a human. Dacia ran as fast as she could followed by Dorin who sighed in annoyement.

. . .

Dacia kept running around the forest unable to stay still. From time to time she'd kill a dear or a rabbit she'd find around the forest, but at least she didn't kill innocent people. Finally, Dacia stopped as she began tumbling and fell on the ground while transforming back into a human, and naked. Dorin, who had transformed back and who knew where the after training clothes were in the forest, had already dressed up and had picked up some clothing for Dacia. He crouched down next to her. Her long ginger hair almost to her anckles,  porcelain skin, peachy lips and an angelic, but tired look on her face.

-"Daci...Welcome to the pack"- he said as he wrapped her with a blanket he had left in his package around the forest.

Dacia simply twitched her eyebrows as she remained unconscious on the ground.

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