15. Smile

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Dacia was already seventeen and Penelope had given birth to a son. She was extremely happy and had high expectations from him. Dacia was trying to knit a hat for her nephew while Penelope watched. The little baby boy was on her lap drinking some milk from his bottle.

-"Is this alright, Pen?"-asked Dacia while looking down at her work.

Penelope reached out towards the work and looked at it carefully.

-"Its okay now. You didn't make any crazy knots this time"- said Penelope as she gave her sister a half smile.

Dacia rolled her eyes and then chuckled, but kept working on her hat. Ever since Penelope had a baby son, she had gotten a bit closer to Dacia. Of course, Dacia was the alpha and was still unmarried. If something ever happened to Dacia, her son would be next in line. At least, that's what Penelope had in mind. Also, she was very proud of herself since even Stela's kid was a girl and Vera, who was rumored to be pregnant, might not even have a boy either. It seemed more like a family thing. Though for Penelope, there was a big glitch in her family, she had been married off to a Bucur and now her son, Dimitri Bucur, had their name, not the name Lupu.

Despite that fact, she hoped that her son would someday become the next Alpha and clear her name from all her wrongdoings. Dacia, who had suffered so much by Penelope's hands, had never once thought of getting rid of her sister. She might've thought of teaching her a lesson, but not something that would kill her. There was a light knock on the wall. Both women turned around and saw 19-year old Dorin standing there with a smirk on his face.

-"Alpha, they need you to check on the new kids"- said Dorin.

Dacia smiled to herself as she remembered her father doing the same thing when she had to go to training and she was complaining to Vera.

-"I'll be out in a bit"- said Dacia.

Dorin smiled, nodded and then headed out of the room. Dacia began picking up her things and placed her work on the small table next to Penelope.

-"I'll finish it after work. Bye-bye Dimitri~ Auntie has some work to do now"- said Dacia as she said it in a funny voice while little Dimitri laughed.

Dacia left the room in a hurry and went outside of the manor where she found a lot of little boys ready for their first day of training.

-"Are they all wolves?"- asked Dacia as she folded her arms across her chest.

-"They're gonna find out now with the test of silver today"- said Dorin. "They were brought out all the 9 year olds and up to be tested today".

-"Why didn't they bring any little girl?"- asked Dacia.

-"Its routine and tradition Dacia. They usually bring up boys. You're the only weirdo who got lucky enough to become one of us"-

Dacia rolled her eyes. She hated when people said that girls were unable to become wolves since they found it totally impossible. Sometimes Dacia thought that maybe those women and those girls capable of transforming were sent away to live as outcasts since it was in a way forbidden, impossible and even taboo for a girl to become a wolf. It was true that she was lucky enough to be the Alpha's daughter and by his insistence and the fact that he only had daughters, they gave him a fact. Now that she had reached this level, she decided she had to once more check the surroundings for any outcast female wolves, but then, she remembered the vampires. What it they had mixed and now there were some sort of hybrids? What if those women were given as tributes to those vampires?

Dacia shook her head trying to take those thoughts away and focus on what was happening. The little boys were to touch a silver ring. Most of them passed the test and those who didn't were sometimes made fun of. Dacia marched their way and cleared her throat.

-"A-Alpha!"- cried out the boys who were making fun of another little boy.

-"Teasing the little fellow just because he didn't pass the test. So what? You passed the test, congratulations. But that doesn't mean that he will be less important. You'll be in the pact following strict rules, strict training and putting your lives at risk. He can stay home and keep up helping us maintain our honor and even marry into the Lupu if he ever wants to"-spits Dacia proudly.

She slowly leans closer to the boy that had been teased and whispered to his ear "Or you could have the privilege of me biting you and still become a wolf". The little boy's eyes grew wide as his ears went red. He quickly turned around and shook his head while still thanking her. For him it was a bit embarrassing, but also a great idea. Dacia simply ruffles his hair and smiles while the two boys run off afterwards. Dorin walks towards Dacia and hits her with his elbow softly.

-"Hey. What did you tell that kid that he went all red after talking to you?"-asked Dorin curiously.

-"That I'm going to bite him"- said Dacia while smirking at her mate.

Dorin's eyes grew wide opened as he blinked a couple of times startled.

-"Bite him?! Why? You haven't even bitten me yet..."- his honesty is too much that makes Dacia chuckle and then come closer to him. "Hey...what are you doing?"

Dacia looked around making sure that no one was watching them. As soon as she had confirmed that it was clear, she closed in to his neck and gave him a love bite on his neck. His eyes were wide and his face all red while he tried to immediately cover his neck while looking around desperately.

-"Are you crazy?!"- said Dorin embarrassed. "W-W-What if...What if someone sees it?"- said Dorin stutering quite nervously.

Dacia simply smiled like a michivious little girl as she placed her hands behind her back while pacing back and forth next to him.

-"Well..."- she said between giggles.

-" Well what?"-asks Dorin looking around nervously.

-"Well...if someone sees it...they'll know you're mine"-said Dacia a little embarrassed. "You are not someone I like sharing with others"-


-"Mine"- she said as she gave him a kiss on his cheek and then ran off happily while Dorin blushed a bit and then smiled amused with his mate's way of showing her affection.

Rodica walked towards Dorin and stood next to him a little confused.

-"What's up with her excessive happiness?"- asked Rodica while looking at Dorin whose face went crimson as soon as their eyes met.

-"Its not what you think! She...um...Gees!"- he said as he brusquely walked away while Rodica tilts her head to one side.

-"What's gotten into him all of the sudden?"-

Rodica simply shook her head and walked away.

. . .

That evening Dacia was helping her mother fold the laundry along with Rodica. Now that it was the three of them, everything seemed calmer and lonelier.

-"So, when will you ever get married, eh Dacia?"- asked Rodica teasingly.

-"What? I'm still young you know"- spits Dacia between giggles as she kept folding the laundry.

-"Come on, don't be shy now, Dacia"-

-"Get married first and then we'll talk about it"-

Both sisters laughed while Crina smiled to herself as she got reminded of her husband's old habits of marrying their daughters at a very young age

-"Dacia, you should think about it. Everyone knows about Dorin and you and how you two have been going out for a few years now. Now that you're the Alpha you should give the example"- said Crina while ploping her hand on her daughter's head.

-"Momma! You're embarrassing me"- said Dacia while giving a small pout.

-"You thought I didn't see you when you told him that he was tours. Oh sweetie, you think you are so pure..."-

Rodica burst out laughing while Dacia begs them to stop teasing her. It had been a while since they had all had a fun moment again. So many things that had happened and something relaxing like this once in a while was quite good. But just like everything in life...it wouldn't last that long either.

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