Chapter 13

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Peeta's P.O.V

I wake with Katniss still in my arms. We haven't moved at all. I kiss her forehead and she doesn't wake up. The I kiss her lips and her eyes open and she starts to kiss back.

"I was awake, I was just seeing if you would do that" she says smiling. I smile back.

"Next time, I won't kiss you at all" I playfully say.

"Oh, you couldn't live a week without kissing me" she says. I laugh because that is true. I nearly died the week I had to go  back to the Capitol.

"Are you hungry?" I ask. She nods. My feet step on the hard, cold wooden floor. With it creaking every time I take a step.

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. I decide on eggs and bacon. The bacon sizzles as I cook it. I feel small arms wrap around me waist. I turn around and see Katniss.

"What are you cooking?" She asks.

"Bacon and eggs" I say turning back around.

"Katniss, do you love me real or not real?" I ask. After everything that had happened in the past couple of days I've had my doubts.

"Real, Peeta. Real. Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, just these couple of days have been a little cloudy" I reply. The eggs start to cook and the bacon is done. I turn around and unwrap the bandage on her hand. The blister has gone down and her burn isn't as red.

"Hey, look it's gotten better" she says. I re wrap the bandage back around her hand. I kiss her forehead and continue cooking the food. I start to put the bacon on two plates and finish up the eggs. I hear silent sobs as I finish up. I turn around to see Katniss crying.

"Katniss, sweetie, what's wrong?" I softly ask her.

"Prim would've been so happy" she says looking down at the cat. I walk up to her. I wrap my arms around her and rest my chin on top of her head.

"I know I know" I coo. Tears slowly start to drench my shirt. Her sobs start to quiet down. I sway slightly back and forth.

"It's okay, I'm right here" I say.

"You better check on the eggs" she says as I feel her smile against my shirt. I let go of her and run over to the stove. I turn it off. Grabbing the two plates I take the eggs and dish them out. I hand Katniss her plate.

"Here you go" I say. She immediatly starts to eat her food.

"You were hungry" I say laughing. She continues to eat her food. Buttercup walks over to me feet and weaves through them. He rubs up against my leg. He purrs.

"He likes you," Katniss says with a mouth full of food.

"He never liked me, he only loved--prim" she says stuttering at the end. I continue to eat my food not  wanting to bring prim up.  Prim and I rarely ever talked but I still loved her like a sister. I finish my food and lay my plate in the sink.

"Peeta, did you take your medications?" Katniss asks. Oh! I totally forgot. Dr. Aurelius gave me three bottles. One for flashbacks, nightmares, and depression. Sometimes after I have a nightmare I'll get depressed, but when I see Katniss my world lights up. Rarely do I ever get depressed but he gave me it just in case. I take my flashback pill. 

"Peeta," she says while I sit down.

"Hmm?" I ask.

"So I heard there going to start rebuilding some buildings. I mean the hob are rebuilt but I was wondering.... Do you want to rebuild the bakery?" She asks finishing up her food.

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