Chapter 15

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Katniss' P.O.V

The warm breeze blows up against my face. The sun shimmers in the sky beatin down on my face. I tightly grip my how as I walk deep into the woods. I told Peeta that I might take longer today, just to get my mind off of things. My nightmares were horrible last night. I had two nightmares. One was just my family and friends deaths played over and over again. A non -stop horror, that made me scream until my voice could no longer work. The second one was new deaths. Innocent people being shot in front of me.

Effie came back yesterday to Haymitch's joy. I went and visited her yesterday and Haymitch's house was spotless. It's like Effie completely changes him. Well, Peeta totally changes me, so it might be the same with them. Peetas flashbacks haven't happened since before he went to the Capitol. I on the other hand haven't changed one bit.

I hunt almost everyday. And nightmares haunt my mind everynight. But Peeta are there to calm me down. I hear some movement in the distance causing me to a little. At first I think it's Gale but then I realize that it's a turkey. I grab an arrow out of my quiver and slowly click it into place. I pull back and release and it shoots in through its stomach. I grab the meat and go. I end up killing three squirrels, two rabbits and one turkey.

I decide to drop some meat by Haymitch's. I walk up to their doorstep and knock. Usually I would hear grunting and occasional glass braking. But I don't I hear soft footsteps, probably Effie. Whoever it is they open the door.

"Katniss! How are you doing?" She says in her Capitol accent.

"Hi Effie, I'm doing ... Fine" I say hesitating at the end. She brings me into an embrace.

"How's Peeta?" She asks pulling back from the hug.

"He's doing fine too" I say. I start to hand her the meat but she gives me a dirty look and motions over to Haymitch. I snort out a laugh. I walk over to Haymitch and put it on the counter where he was in the kitchen.

"What's this?" He asks motioning over to the meat.

"Some squirrel and rabbit, I had more than enough" I say. I say goodbye to Effie and head out the door.

I walk down the steps and head to my house, Peeta is probably painting or something. When I walk towards the house I start to hear talking. It causes me to speed up and burst through the door. A girl stands by Peeta talking to him. Pain appears on her face as she starts to walk towards me.

"Katniss, I'm so sorry!" Delly says running to me. A tear slips down her cheek.

"I didn't realize you too were a thing!" She says starting too hug me. I push her back harshly.

"Stay away from me. You've caused to much trouble. Get out." I snarl.

"Katniss!" Peeta yells. Delly manages to make a quiet sob as she walks towards the door. She opens it and runs outside. Peeta comes walking towards me with an angry look on his face. I turn around knowing that I will make things worse. He grabs my shoulder.

"Let. Go. Of. Me." I say. He releases my arm.

"Katniss, why did you do that?" He says. I stay silent. Half because of jealously half because of my general hate in that woman.

" she was apologizing" he says.

"Well, Peeta, you know what? I guess we're even. Because apparently you can't take a liking into Gale." I yell. He stays silent as he looks toward the ground. But after all of that, I still can't stay mad at him. We both have mutiple things that we can be mad at each other for but we still end up forgiving.

"Peeta, look at me" I say. He disobeys and moves his head down more. I take his chin and pull up so his eyes meet mine.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you okay? And I love you" I softly say. I press my lips to his and I walk upstairs. I hear him mumble something that I can't quite make out.

I decide to take a shower because I'm sweaty and I'm sure Peeta wouldn't like me stinking up the place. I step into the shower and let's the hot water soak my hair. I hear the door open to my bedroom as I continue to let the water soak my body. I loathe myself in soap and wash it off. I wash every inch of my hair.

My eyes start to sting and it's really stuffy in here. I turn off the shower and dry myself off. I take the towel and wrap it around my body. I open the door and cold air bursts through the room making me shiver. I see Peeta wrapped up in a sheet sleeping peacefully. He stirs and opens his eyes.

"Oh sorry, I'll get out" he says.

"No it's okay, just don't look. You must be really tired to be sleeping at noon" I say laughing.

"Well, I didn't sleep very well last night" he replies. He turns over facing away from me as I change.

"Is it safe?" He asks. I laugh.

"Yes. It's safe" I say laughing a little. He turns around.

"I'm going to cant downstairs I'm starving." I say. He sighs heavily. He starts to get up.

"You can go back to sleep, Peeta. I'll just be downstairs" I say.

"Yeah, but you'll burn down the house if you try to cook" he says.

"No I won't" I say pushing him down on the bed.

"Go to sleep!" I yell walking downstairs. I laugh. I end up just heating up some leftovers from our last dinner. I finish my food and go  upstairs and I see Peeta still sound asleep. It's already really hot outside for it being the beginning of summer. Peeta face is  damp with his sweat, so I decide to take the big blanket and replace it with a sheet. Peeta starts to stir and his eyes flutter open.

At first he's frightened but then his face softens. I wipe his hair out of his forehead and realize he has a fever.

"Shhhh, go  back to sleep. Your burning up, let me get a cold rag." I say as I peck his forehead. I run downstairs and run a rag under cold water and return upstairs. I take the rag and place it on his forehead.

"Is that better?" I ask. He nods. His eyes droop and he falls asleep. I walk back downstairs and go on the couch and slowly fall asleep myself.  And for once in a long time, I don't have a nightmare.


When I wake up the sun is setting. I wonder if Peeta is still asleep. I slowly walk upstairs and rub my eyes. When I get in our bedroom I don't see Peeta. Panic rises in me.

I race down the stairs and run to Haymitch's house. I burst through the door.

"Haymitch! Where's Peeta!" I yell. He comes through the kitchen.

"Shhhhhhh! Effie is sleeping!" He whispers.

"Where is Peeta? I can't find him" I say quieting down.

"I don't know" he says. I run out the door and it starts to get dark outside. Haymitch follows behind and we head towards the hob. Maybe he's with Sae.

Okay! I'm so sorry, I haven't updated in a long time. I've been super busy! And I love the book Always by Everlasting_Everlark go  check it out please! And also go  check out Everdeendistricts I love her joshifer story! Again I'm sorry and don't worry I will give you updates this week and they will be longer. And please do comment if it's un realistic bc I know lots of fanfictions are very un realistic and too modern. Also I need suggestions too. Stay alive-Sammi

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