Chapter 4

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Katniss P.O.V

After about an hour,or so. I start to calm down. Realizing that I might have lost my dandelion in the spring, my boy with the bread just shreds my heart into a million pieces. Im slightly angry at Sae. Even though I shouldn't be. That's what makes me think Im a horrible person.

After taking me ten minutes to finally get up, I walk over to the kitchen. Even though I'm starving I don't feel like eating. There's no point of eating right now, not after me loosing Peeta. Snow falls out side in heavy flakes. Almost all the grass is covered though. I have no idea how long it's been snowing I'm guessing about an hour. I grab my boots and my fathers old hunting jacket and put them on. I think I'm gonna pay Haymitch a visit.

Snow falls on my hair as I walk across the Victors Village. Haymitch could be in three different states. Drunk, Sober, or Sorta both. I knock three times on his door. He doesn't open the door. I start to walk back to my house not even bothering with him knowing he is  probably passed out. That's when I hear the door open. And a sober Haymitch stands there suprisingly.

"Did you find him?" He asks.

"No, but Sae knows where he is. But she won't tell me" I sadly say.

" And I can guess you probably know why" I add.

" Yeah" he says.

" You're sober Haymitch" I say.

" Well, when it comes to Peeta, alcohol seems useless. I care about him too much" he says muttering at the end.

" Do you love him?" I ask.

At first he doesn't answer.

"Of course, he's like a son I never had" he says looking down.

"Since I know he's in great hands, I think it's time for a drink" he says getting up.

"Do you mind if I join you?"I ask.

"I don't .... Well...... I guess" he says.

"Thanks" I say.

He walks to his cabinet and grabs a bottle of some sort.

"Hey, this is my last bottle. And you kinda owe me, so I won't give you anything until you go get me some more" he says.

"Fine, but I get as much as I want, " I say.

" Sweetheart, I don't think Peet-" I interrupt him.

" Peeta isn't here! And it's his fault for running away, if he didn't want me to drink, he would've come back" I yell. I start to regret what I just said. I shouldn't be mad at anyone. The only person who I should be mad at is me.

" Okay" he mutters. I run out the door on my way to the hob. When I get there Ripper is fully stocked with alcohol, so I buy a couple bottles. I quickly run back home almost slipping on patches of ice. I burst through Haymitches house ready to clear my head, or make it even cloudier.

" Thank you" he says. I take one bottle and chug it down feeling the burning sensation in my throat. Haymitch sits in awe besides me.

"In my entire life, I have never seen a person chug down a bottle of liquor that fast" he says.

"Well when there's a lot on a persons mind, you'd be suprise do what they can do" I say. He starts to drink his liquor as I attempt to stand up to walk to the door. But I plop right back down in my chair.

"You probably wanna stay here in your condition, you'd probably kill yourself" he says getting up.

" You can take the spare room" he says.

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