Chapter 10

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Katniss' P.O.V

Tears still fall down my cheeks as I stumble my way to the phone to call Peeta. I quickly dial his phone number. It rings three times until he picks it up.

"Hello?" I hear his soft voice say.

"Peeta" I sigh.

"Katniss? Are you okay?" he asks. More tears spill out of my eyes as a sob escapes from my mouth.

"Im fine, I just miss you" I choke out.

"Katniss, did you have a nightmare?" his softly asks.

"No, I-I saw Gale today" I continue to cry. Gale leaves me after he thinks he killed my sister. He goes off to District Two and then thinks that everyone and everything is just fine.

"Oh" he only says. I start to calm down.

"But I'm fine, I just wanted to hear your voice. Anything happening?" I ask.

"No, not yet at least. Dr. Aurelius is working on something" he says.

"Katniss, I love you, and I would talk to you on the phone for an eternity but I have to go" he says.

"I love you too" I say. Then I hang up. It hasn't even been two days and Ive already had a full mental breakdown. Im broken. Snow broke my wings. My mockingjay wings, he broke my wings. Killed my family, and friends. But all of it wasn't him. I killed my friends and my home. I did it.

None of this wouldn't have happened if I just had eaten the berries in the first games. Everybody would've been safe. Prim would've been alive. Peeta wouldn't have been hijacked. And maybe Finnick would be here to see his babies first step.

But no, everybody's dead that I care about. Except Peeta, he's alive. If he's alive, I'm alive. Im interrupted by my thoughts when I hear the front door open. Its Sae.

"Hi, girl. How are you doing?" she asks.

"Fine" I say. My eyes are probably bloodshot.

"Did you see that Gales back?" she says. I give her a glare. But she doesn't know that I saw him today.

"Yes" I say.

"Well, I was coming over to cook you dinner" She says laying food on the counter.

"Im not hungry" I say a little to harshly.

"Well, I'm not leaving until you eat, even if I have to sit here all night. I made a promise" she says. I manage a laugh.

"No" I say.

"Yes, and I will stay here all night" I sigh and stomp up the stairs. Just leave me here to die. Their probably going to take Peeta away from me again. If they do there will be no one left that I love. I plop down on the bed.

I pull the blanket up to my chest and slowly start to fall asleep. Just hoping that nightmares don't appear in my sleep. But you know when you do hope and pray for the best, it always comes out the worst.


"Katniss!" I hear a familiar voice yell. Immediately I recognize the voice. Peeta.

"Peeta?!?" I scream half yell. His screams fill my ears. Scream after scream. I frantically look around for him. Im in the square. I turn around and there he is. He lays on the ground as two peacekeepers beat him.

"No, No! Stop it! Please" I cry. I run over to him. But I'm held back by more peacekeepers. I watch Peeta get beat in front of me. His screams get worse by every hit. Blood runs down his leg and seeps through his shirt. Tears run down his face. I have to close my eyes.

I hear a familiar laugh. Thats when I smell blood. That can only be one person. Snow.

"My dear, Miss. Everdeen" he says.

"Please! Make this stop!" I cry.

"Im sorry, Miss Everdeen, but i don't think i can do that" he says. He pulls something out from his coat. A gun. He raises it towards Peetas head and pulls the trigger. Peetas eyes roll into the back of his head.

I scream. The peacekeepers let me fall to the ground as sobs rack my body.

I bolt upright with my shirt sticking to my chest. Sweat runs down my forehead as tears run down my cheek. I get up and change into a different shirt and braid my hair.

I walk downstairs and assume that Sae is done because i don't hear in the kitchen. Its dark outside so it must be 7 or 8. Sae sits on the couch watching President Paylor on the screen.

"I heard you screaming, girl"

" Are you okay?" she asks.

"Im fine." I say walking in the kitchen. A bowl of soup sits on the counter.

"Im not leaving till you eat!" she yells. I sigh. I grab a spoon and start to eat my soup. I don't know how long I can take this before I go completely crazy.

Okay so Chapter 10 Woop! Woop! Hopefully you guys are going to enjoy this update marathon! Need feedback. Sorry for short chapter!Stay alive- Sammi

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