My First Concert

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"Leigh Anna!" My father called as I got dressed for school.

I looked in the mirror. My long hair was pinned in a ponytail, and I did little makeup. I'm not the type of person to stand out among my classmates but doesn't mean I let myself go. I took one last glance of myself in the mirror and ran down stairs.

My father was sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and reading something on his iPad. Since I don't like coffee I open the fridge to see a small strawberry milk and grab it.

"Did you catch Bora?" I asked my father. My father was the second best detective in South Korea. First being his boss.

"Yeah. Last night around 11 p.m we got a tip. He's finally put behind bars." He said taking another sip of his coffee. He never looked up from his tablet. I started drinking my milk as I got my bag.

"I'm off daddy." I said kissing his cheek.

"You don't want me to take you to school?" He asked finally looking at me.

"I feel like walking. It's nice out." I said.

"Be careful." He yelled as I walked out.

The day was beautiful for a walk. I grabbed my phone and started to listen to music as I walked. Still holding my strawberry milk, I took little sips trying not to spill any.

When I moved in with my father I was 3. I'm a American girl who has a Korean father. Even though I call him my father, by blood it's not true. His wife was best friends with my birth parents. So when my parents died I was taken in by her and my father. But sadly to say 2 years later she died in a car crash. Growing up I was bullied. Not for being a foreigner and looking different. But because people called me death. That I caused the death of my birth parents, and my second mother. We moved from my father's small town into the big city Seoul, because not that many people knew who I was. 

When I walked up towards my school I saw my friend Eunji and Yejoon.

When I moved to Seoul the first friend I made was Eunji. Like me she was somewhat a foreign too. Being half Chinese and half Korean it was hard for her when she moved here. She told me she moved to Korea because of her fathers work. Today you would never know we are foreigners. I actually know more Korean than English.

Yejoon on the other hand was born and raised in Seoul. I meet him two years ago as his father became my fathers partner. I soon found out we attend the same school and the rest is history.

"Did you walk to school?" Eunji asked.

"Yeah. It was pretty nice weather so I said I would enjoy it." I said taking in the last bit of sun as we walked inside our school.

"You could take the bus like the rest of us."   Yejoon said.

"I know." I open my locker and grabbed my books. Me and Eunji have the same first class so we started walking together to class.

"Did you hear about BTS new concert tonight? I already bought two tickets if you wanna go." She said smirking at me.

"I've got to much homework."

"We haven't even got the homework yet!" She snapped.

"But I already know it's to much."

"Why don't you like Kpop?" She asked.

"I'm not hating on Kpop. I just don't really care for it." I said

During class Eunji keep giving me the stink eye. During lunch she was quite, until I finally gave in.

"Thank you! I didn't really wanna be alone at my first concert!" She hugged me tight.

"I guess I'm not invited." Yejoon said taking a bite of his lunch.

"Are you kidding! Who's going to get us there!" Eunji said.

Yejoon being the only one with a car. After school I took the bus home. My dad was no where to be seen like usual. So I called him. Four calls went by unanswered. I just left a voicemail telling him I was going out. I went and took a shower, got dressed and waited for Eunji and Yejoon. Right on schedule they where.

Eunji went with skinny jeans and a BTS shirt. With a leather jacket. Yejoon in a blue hoodie and jeans. Me black skinny jeans and a white shirt. With a jean jacket. I keep it pretty comfortable. With sneakers unlike Eunji big heel boots.

The ride to the concert was short. Me and Eunji got out the car while Yejoon went and parked the car. As we waited for Yejoon we seen a group of girls running in screaming. Behind them was a person in the same blue hoodie like Yejoon. Thinking it was him I ran up to him. Only for the guy to look at me like I was crazy. He walked faster into the concert building. Yejoon soon came up and we walked inside. Getting through the doors was insane. There were thousands of screaming people. And the crazy thing was, the concert didn't start for another 20 minutes.

"Why is everyone screaming already!" I yelled at Eunji.

"Because it's BTS. Why not?" She yelled back.

I started looking around the audience. I seen girls with signs saying, "I love OPPA!" As I keep looking I saw the blue hoodie guy. I starred at him for a few moments. I couldn't see his face to well, but I saw a sinister smile come upon his face. Whats up with him? I thought. Before long he noticed me starring and started walking off. Creepy people everywhere.

Soon the concert started and screams were to load. I looked up to see 7 boys dancing and singing. I had to admit they were good. I even got into a song and started dancing along with Eunji and Yejoon. The last song started to play. So much screaming was going on I thought it was for the group but soon I saw the group running off the stage. Girls started running and before I knew I was lost in the crowd of people.

I started screaming for Eunji and Yejoon but I couldn't even see them. I saw a door and grabbed the handle. I opened it to see a long hallway full of people running and screaming.

"Close the doors! Don't let him get out! Get the boys out of here!" I heard from all different directions. I could still here girls screaming outside the door.

"How did you get back here?" A man yelled at me. Before I knew it he pushed me back out the door into the crowd. I grabbed my phone and tried to call my father. No answer. Next I called the police.

"This is Leigh Ann! Is Detective Lee Sang Yoon in!" I screamed through the phone.

"No he's been called in for a shooting at a concert." The woman said.

I hung up. My father is around here somewhere. First I need to find my friends. My first concert ended with gunfire. Wonderful.

This is my first fan fic. It was originally a short story a friend said it would make a good fan fic. So here I'm starting to write it. The next chapter will actually have BTS in there. This first chapter was to get to know the characters and the plot. Hopefully you'll keep reading because I'm trying to make it really good.
Does anyone actually read this?? 😂

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