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I started walking towards the building. I stopped a few times looking behind me. In my pocket was a mini knife just in case. After the letters I'm not going out without protection. I left the gun behind because I thought that was a little to much for me.

I was so close to the building when I heard a noise. I quickly turned around.

"Who's there?" I yelled. Why I yelled a stupid question I don't know?

No one answered so I keep walking. I open a big rusty old door to see a empty building. There were a few boards, boxes, and pipes around but other than that it was empty. It smelled like rotten eggs in here but if it was a place that was quite enough for me and my dad to meet, I would put up with the smell.

"Dad!" I yelled. No one answered. I was starting to get scared. A second later my phone vibrated. I looked down at the phone to see a text from a unknown number. I open the message to see a picture. A picture of me standing in the building. I started backing up.

My father isn't here. It was a trapped.

I turned around and started running until I ran into someone. I looked up to see cold eyes.

Jungkook POV

I know it's her! I didn't think anything about it until last night.This is why we can't trust people. People like her fool us into thinking she is alright.


It was around four in the morning when I heard a noise. I open my door to see everyone still asleep. I even cracked open Leigh Anna's door to see her sleeping. I started closing the door until I heard her talking in her sleep. "Buttons. I need my teddy." She mumbled. I thought about for a second and remembered. When we went in her room to stop the fire there was a teddy on her bed. I walked out our room to hers. Her door was left open for the burnt smell.

Inside her room at night was scary. I tried turning on the lights but they wouldn't work.

"That's odd. Is the power out?" I mumbled. I looked around for her bed until I felt it. I then started looking for her teddy. I found it laying on a pillow and grabbed it. Getting back to the door was difficult. I was almost there until I stepped on something. I reached down and picked up a little bag. I reached inside to find a gun and knife. I stood a second in disbelief.

"It's her! She's the shooter! How were we so stupid to not relies it! She been here from the beginning! I can't believe we fe for her kindness and charm. She's just a liar." I said. I sat the bag down a threw the teddy. I walked back to my room and sat down. I'm going to keep a eye on her until she leaves and then tell the guys.

The next morning I heard the guys in the kitchen but decided to stay in bed, until I heard her get up. I followed her around all morning until that employe called for her again. I heard her say she was going out for a bit. I decided to follow her there too.

*End of Flashback*

I started following her to a abandoned building. I thought we were almost there until I tripped over a bucket. Before she could look behind her again I hid. I've got to be quite. I thought.

I watched her open a big door and walk inside. I saw a broken window and ran up to it. I watched her through a window. She called out for her dad. Was her dad here? Why would she meet her dad in a abandoned building? Was he also behind this? Does he know what his daughter is doing?

She pulled out her phone for a second and then started running back to the doors. I watched her run straight into a guy. I watched another and another come out from the shadows. In total I could see six big men, and by the look on her face she was terrified.

"A guy payed us money to beat you up. He said he knows you are working for Seoul police." The really big guy said.

She's working for Seoul police? Did I hear him right? She can't though, she's to young. Is that why she's here? She said she was on business, but though she was mostly with us the whole time. Oh my god! We're the business. I looked over at her.

Leigh Anna started running until he grabbed her by the hair. She let out a scream.

Leigh Anna POV

I knew it was a trap. But I didn't think it was going to be a gang. I thought it was only one person.

The guy I bumped into started talking.

"A guy payed us money to beat you up. He said he knows you are working for Seoul police." He gave me a evil smirk. I started to run until I was pulled back. He pulled me by my hair and then threw me across the floor.

I hit my head but could still get up. One guy started coming to me until I kicked him in the chest. I took lessons to beat up one. I can beat up six guys at once. The one guy I hit fell to the ground.

"The girl can hit back. I'm impressed. Most people we beat up only beg for the beats to stop." The one guy said. I didn't speak.

"Can you understand Korean? I see you aren't from here. Do you want me to speak in English?" He sarcastic said. I still didn't speak. One came up behind me. I tried getting away but as one pushed me another grabbed me. I stood there helpless. The big guy started coming toward me.

Jungkook POV

If she is a killer or working for the police I don't know. All I know if she is scared and I can't leave her. I jumped through the window and grabbed a pipe. I saw the big guy going towards here and hit him in the back. All it did was make him flinch. It's like it did nothing to him.

Leigh Ann POV

Is Jungkook crazy! What is he thinking? How did he even know I was here? Why was he here?

"Oh my, a little hero we have here. Look boy. The man only paid us to beat up her, not you." The guy said.

"Beating up a girl isn't right!" Jungkook yelled. He held the pipe out as the guy started coming forward.

"Jungkook stop!" I yelled. I kicked the one guy holding me and ran over to Jungkook. I grabbed his arm and we started running. They weren't far behind us.

We keep running until we saw another building and hid behind it. We had to catch our breath.

"Why are you here?" I whispered to Jungkook. I could still here the guys looking for us. Jungkook still held on tight to the pipe.

"I thought you were the bad guy. But-" he tried catching his breath.

"I can't tell you, but I'm not the bad guy. We've just got to get out of here." I said.

"I know your not the bad guy." He was trying to smile.

"Hey kids! Come on out! If not we will find you!" I heard the man yelled. Me and Jungkook stayed close until we didn't hear anything.

"Do you think they are gone?" I whispered to Jungkook. He looked around for a minute and then grabbed my arm.

"I think so, let's go." He whispered back. We started walking out when someone grabbed me by the waist. I started kicking but it did no good. Jungkook ran up to the guy and started hitting him with the pipe until he let me go. I got off the ground and stood behind Jungkook as we saw all the guys come out.

"You can't escape us kids." The one guy said.

"When I tell you to run, run." Jungkook whispered to me. Like I am. I'm supposed to be the one to protect you.

"I'm not going to." I said. He looked back at me like I was crazy. No matter what I'm going to get us out of here. I just don't know how..

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