What To Do

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Naruto lay in bed, a single thought running continuously through his head.

'What to do....'

He had still 2 years before he would become a genin.

He was already too late to stop the Uchiha Massacre, but nothing extreme would happened until he was 12.

Then again the extreme shit was Sasuke getting a curse seal...

"Why not make a list? Or a timeline?"

'Kurama, ka?' Naruto spoke through his mind. 'I suppose that would work...'

Naruto got out of bed and searched for a pen and paper.

'Let's see.... '

Mizuki incident
Graduation from the Academy
In a team with Sasuke and Sakura - Meets Kakashi
Wave mission
Chuunin Exams - Meets Gaara + Sasuke gets curse seal
Orochimaru invades Konoha - Orochimaru kills Sandaime Hokage Jiji
Akastuki's first attack - Jinchiriki - Itachi and Kisame
Tsunade Baa-Chan becomes Godaime Hokage
Sasuke follows Orochimaru
2 years of training with Ero-Sennin
Me and Sakura spar against Kaka-

"Kit, why did you write the useless things?"

'What useless things?' Naruto thought back.

"Meet Kakashi, meet Gaara, sparing..."

'It's totally useful! I can change Kakashi-Sensei's first impression of me, and I can totally change Gaara's attitude earlier than the original timeline, dattebayo!'

"... I still can't stand that catchphrase of yours."

'What catchphrase?'

Kurama sighed in exasperation.

"Never mind."

'You're strange, did you know that?

"Says YOU!!"


"Just leave me alone for a while."

'OK.... Back to the list...'

(A.N. Everything after this is just an extra bit of humour because the idea was stuck in my head. Enjoy.)

Naruto turned back to his list, but before he has a chance of writing any more, a bang alerts him of intruders.

As he looked towards the door, in the corner of his eye he saw his calendar on his table by his bed.

It was October the 10th.

His birthday.

5 years before he finally got the village to stop hating him.


Naruto bolted out of his house and ran to the only place he could go where no one would hurt him, before, during or even after the festival.

The Hokage Tower.


The Sandaime Hokage had just finished his pile of cursed papers, only to look up and find Naruto in his PJ's breaking the door down.


"Yes Naruto, I can see that, but why are you here?"

Naruto stopped abruptly and began to think really hard. He knew he couldn't tell the no longer deceased old man that he wanted a way to get rid of the stupid villagers, so he replied with:

"I wanted to spend my birthday with you, Jiji. Can't I?

And Naruto showed him his most deadly weapon,

'Puppy-eyes no jutsu'

And the Hokage crumbled.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

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