Heroes exist

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A.N. Quick question: when you guys comment and ask questions, are you waiting for me to answer or just asking in general? And to all those that comment smartass comments, you guys are brilliant!

After a day of training, all three genin were exhausted. They headed back to Tazuna's house when it became dark and got ready for dinner. Halfway through the meal, Tazuna's grandson,Inari, became upset.

"Why are you all trying so hard?! Don't you know it useless to go against Gato?! You're all gonna die pretending to be heroes!"

"You should stop talking." Surprisingly it was Sasuke who spoke.

"What do you know! I bet none of you knows what it means to suffer! All you do it talk! You're all gonna die because Gato is stronger! He'll kill all of you!"


The bowl Naruto was eating from loudly clattered against the table.

"Thank for the food." He said, and calmly strode out the room and out the house in the direction of the woods.

"Stupid brat." Sasuke muttered, and followed after Naruto.

"Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asked, curious as to why he was heading out too.

Sasuke ignored her and kept walking, gave a meaningful glance at their Sensei, and left the house.

"Those boys." Sighed Kakashi, Sakura being the only one who heard him. "Don't bother following them." Kakashi warned. "They'll probably need to release some stress."

Sakura, though still confused, obeyed Kakashi, and silently kept eating her food.

Seeing that the awkward moment was now somewhat over, everyone returned to their meals, with the exception of Inari, who had run up to his room after Sasuke left.

After dinner there was still no sight of the boys.

"Tazuna-san? Why did Inari-kun react so badly towards heroes?"

"It's not a pretty story." Tazuna answered with a frown. He proceeded to tell Sakura, as well as the ease dropping Kakashi, about the story of Kaiza, the village's hero. The man that was like a father to Inari. The man that saved the island and the one that was killed for standing up to Gato.

Naruto and Sasuke were outside demolishing trees, both having left a Kage Bunshin henged as bugs to keep them updated on any developments.

After having made a large clearing In the forest, the two popped their clones and laid down to replenish their lost energy.

"Our lives suck."


"A lot."


"We should get back before they start getting curious."


"Quit being so pissy. He's only a kid."

"I'm not being pissy."


"Now who's being pissy."

"Ha ha. We should be heading in though."


The two boys shared a small laugh, both finding it hard to stay upset near the company of the other.

"Wander what Shikamaru would say if he were here." Naruto wondered as the walked back to the house.

"Probably something like; 'Quit moping, it's too troublesome to mope', something along those lines at least."

The two laughed at Sasuke's horrible impersonation.

"Things never go well when we're split for too long. We need Shika's smartasssness or we'll both sink into depression." Naruto commented.


The two trudged back, noticed only by Kakashi, and went to bed.
A.N. Yes, I realise how short this was. This was a bad filler. I kinda ran out of ideas. Other than that, how many people here watch/read Katekyo Hitman Reborn and One Piece? I'm just curious. You don't have to answer.

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