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A.N. Have I mentioned how much I love all of you readers? And how disappointed I am with myself right now? I'm so sorry for updating later than usual! *Bows* Forgive me!

Hatake Kakashi woke up in a room he didn't recognise. And saw a women he also didn't recognise standing at his right side.

"You're finally awake Hatake-san. The children were starting to get worried you know." The woman said with a slight frown.

"I see, Ms..."

"Oh, right, you can call me Tsunami, I'm Tazuna's daughter."

'So I'm in Tazuna's house.' Out loud he asked,"Ne, Tsunami-san, do you happen to know where my adorable students are?"

"Kakashi-Sensei! You're awake! Thank goodness! Are you OK?"

Sakura walked (read ran) into the room Kakashi was currently in, followed by Sasuke and Naruto, both of which having a slightly worried expression.

"Maa, I'm fine Sakura. Just a bit of chakra exhaustion is all."

"Baka-sensei, chakra exhaustion isn't a small thing! If you lose too much chakra, you could die you know!"

Sakura was practically fuming by now, wondering how stupid their sensei was if he thought chakra exhaustion meant nothing.

"If this is what it costs to use that eye of yours, I don't think it's worth it." Sakura claimed with a small pout. 'Seriously sensei, if you die that means I can't get you to take care of Naruto anymore! It's already annoying enough when he takes Sasuke-kun away all the time!'

Ignoring Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke glanced at each other, nodded, and walked towards Kakashi, who was now sitting up.

"Kakashi-sensei, there's something concerning we want to talk to you about... It's about Zabuza and the Mist hunter-nin from earlier..."

"Zabuza-sama, what is that?"

"Apparently a scroll that blonde brat gave me." The man now identified as Zabuza, who was very much alive, answered.

"Zabuza-sama had no knowledge of a scroll on himself?"

"None Haku..." Zabuza opened the scroll and began reading the contens. "Haha, that brat."

"Zabuza-sama?" Haku questioned, slightly worried about his master.

"We're gonna be avoiding Gato for a while."

"Understood Zabuza-sama. May I enquirer why?"

"You'll see soon enough."

"You think Zabuza is still alive?"


"And that the hunter-nin that took his body is actually his accomplice."


"... It seems my student spent the time that I was unconscious thinking quite a lot of things over. I have to say that those are good facts you pointed out."

A contemplating look crossed Kakashi's face before he stood with the help of crutches that were by his side. He began walking towards the forest, then stopped at the edge.

"Sensei? Why are here?" Asked Sakura, confusion etched clearly on her face.

"You three are going to train. Going by my calculations, if Zabuza is indeed alive, it will take a week at least before he is healed. Until then, you three need to become stronger, even if just a little."

"What are we going to do Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto asked, faking curiosity extremely well.

"Tree climbing." Was the silver-haired mans' answer.

Naruto and Sasuke shared another glance, before falling silent, waiting for the other two present to make their moves first.

"Tree climbing Sensei?" Sakura questioned.

As an answer, Kakashi walked to a tree, and began walking up it.

"Isn't that what Naruto-Baka was doing a few days ago?"

"Correct, but I need all three of you to be able to do this perfectly, until you don't even need to think about what you're doing. This is one of the most basic chakra controlling exercises there is. You have to channel chakra to your feet and use an exact amount of chakra or it will completely fail."

Finishing his explanation, the three a kunai to each of the genin.

"I want you three to mark how far up the tree you get every time. Good luck."

And Kakashi turned around and left the three to their own devices.

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