Back to the Academy

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It's been two days since Naruto had gone back to the past. It's was now Monday and he had to go to school.

The day before, he had gone and bought new clothes for himself, in a henge of course. The villagers had still charged him too much back then. Or was it now?

Anyway, he had bought himself new clothes, which contained of a simple black short-sleeved shirt with a red Uzumaki swirl just above the heart, a pair of back shinobi trousers and a pair of dark blue shinobi sandals.

As simple as the outfit sounded, comparing it  to the hideous orange jumpsuit it was quite showy.

Especially when his defined muscles where visible now, earning him quite a few stares when he had entered the classroom.

But it could also had been the fact that he was on time for once...


Naruto sat down in his old seat, next to Kiba on the edge of the second last row from the back.

"New clothes? What happened to your oh-so-precious orange jumpsuit?" Whispered Kiba when Naruto sat down.

"Ditched it. Could finally afford new one." Naruto replied.


"Just drop it Kiba, it's too troublesome..." Shikamaru interrupted from beside Kiba.


"Hai!" Were the three boys immediate response to their 'Iruka-Sensei'.

"So today we are going to learn about the founding of Konoha. Can anyone tell me who the founders were?" Asked Iruka.


The Academy was, for once in Naruto's life, boring because he knew everything...

Was the world about to end or something?

As Naruto strode towards his apartment, he saw Sasuke sitting by himself on the dock.

"Didn't you avoid him last time?" Kurama asked, breaking the silence.

'I did, but this time I want to be friends. Proper friends. Not the type forced to know each other because we were on the same team.'



"He likes tomatoes right?"

'Yeah, why?'

"Didn't you bring a few for your lunch today?"

'Ohh...right. Thanks Kura-Chan!'

"Kurama, you damn gaki! Nobody calls me Chan!"

'Well I just did, so shut it.'

And Naruto blocked out Kurama.

"Hey Sasuke!" Naruto yelled as loud as he could.

"What do you want dobe?"

Naruto's eye twitched, but he decided to ignore the insult.

"I have a few tomatoes left from lunch. Want one?"

At this the Uchiha hesitated, not knowing how an Uchiha would respond to something as tempting as that.

So he decided to choose the simpler option.


Naruto sat next to Sasuke and offered him a tomato. Sasuke took it and the two ate in somewhat comfortable silence.

After they finished, Naruto, being the person he was, asked a question that might have changed his life. And not because of timetravel. Maybe.

"Do you want to train together later?"

And thus the friendship began.

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