Towards Nami no Kuni (Wave Country)

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The following morning, three genin and a bridge builder stood at Konoha's gate waiting for the jonin named Kakashi.

Surprisingly, he arrived only ten minutes late, leaving his students dumbfounded, as this was the earliest he has ever been.

'No matter how long I've known Kakashi-sensei, it still amazes me when he's not at least two hours late.'' Thought Naruto.

"Ohaiyo! Hi!" Kakashi waved at them. "Everyone's packed and ready to go? Great! Iko! Forward to Nami no Kuni!"

'Why the hell is he so excited for?' Naruto wondered. 'This never happened last time...'

As Naruto pondered, they began towards Wave, Tazuna in the middle of the guard formation, with Sasuke up front and Kakashi at the rear. Realising that they begun moving, Naruto jogged to to right, as Sakura had already taken the left.

"I'm so bored!" Naruto yelled for the nth time that day. They had been travelling for less then an hour and Naruto had been nothing short of irritating.

'I know we'll run into the Demon Brothers soon but...'

"I'm so bored!"

This time, Sasuke finally snapped and told Naruto to practice some Jutsu while walking or so help him he'd get Shikamaru to hide all his ramen and convince the old man at Ichiraku to stop selling him ramen for a month.

"Uchiha-sama, I'll behave so please don't conspire with the shadow heathen!" Naruto begged. His beloved ramen was on the line, and no matter how many years passed or how many hardships he'd overcome, he still was never able to not eat ramen at least once a week.

Besides, Sasuke had said the same thing last year and had actually accomplished it. Shikamaru had also managed to hide his ramen, and to this day he still doesn't know where he hid them.

"Hn." Was Sasuke's satisfied reply, accompanied by a smirk when Naruto started treewalking sideways across the trees instead of on the ground, mumbling the entire time about how mean his brothers were.

This raised an eyebrow, and apparently Kakashi became even happier afterwards, murmuring something incoherent.

Later on, when they encountered the Demon Brothers, Naruto forced himself to do nothing while they passed the puddle, and then nothing when 'Kakashi' was being sliced into several pieces.

"Apparently, no matter how much stronger you seem, he still enjoys scaring you and the other brats out of your wits." Kurama laughed, all the while avoiding Naruto's imagined swats at his head.

Focusing on what's in front of him, he fought similarly as how he did before, but this time managing to avoid being poisoned and knocked his opponent out without anyone's help. Sasuke however wasn't fast enough, and before he could finish his, Kakashi jumped out and finished off the other one.

"Tsk, Kakashi-Sensei, if your not gonna fight from the start, at least dong take someone else's prey." Sasuke commented, because he's an Uchiha and Uchiha don't complain or moan. At least to those that they don't fully trust.

"Maa, it's fine isn't it Sasuke-kun? Besides, I had no choice but to hide until they showed who exactly they were after."

At this, Kakashi turned towards Tazuna and gave him an unrelenting stare, then stating fact after fact about how suspicious he had seemed the whole time, and quite literally left him as a blubbering buffoon.

Having next to no choice, Tazuna told them everything, from how he was too poor to afford a higher ranked mission to how he was targeted by Gato, one of the richest businessmen alive, for building the bridge that would connect their island to the mainland and the rest of society.

Things proceeded similarly to what happened last time, minus the 'Naruto stabs himself to get rid of poison part', and they continued on their mission to Wave.
A.N. I finally know what a writers block is. But pay no heed to my suffering, for ill break through it, one way or another! And yes I realise that this chapter was... Not great... I love you all!

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