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"D-Ranks suck!" Naruto yelled after they captured Tora, the demon cat, for the third time this week.

"I swear, that cat is a demon spawn!" Naruto exclaimed. "How else would he be able to cause so much damage?"

"Naruto, shut up or I'll make you carry him. And you know he reacts most violent towards you." Scolded Sasuke as they were walking towards the missions room.

"Hai, hai, I'll stop talking."

Arriving, they gave Tora back to his owner, and were about to request another D-Rank mission when:

"Jiji! We're all sick of the D-Ranks already! Please let it do a C-Rank. Please Jiji!"

"Naruto! You're still a genin. You can't just be given a higher ranked mission than what you're capable of." Exclaimed Iruka, who happened to be the chunnin that was there today.

At this, the Sandaime Hokage also began explaining -lecturing- how missions were ranked and a bunch of other stuff that Naruto was only too happy to block out.

After his talk, which did nothing to discourage the genin, Hiruzen gave up and gave them a C-Ranled mission, after gaining Kakashi's approval.

"The mission is simple. Team 7 have to escort a bridge builder back home located in the Wave Country." Hiruzen turned towards to chunnin at the door. "Send him in."

A drunk old man stumbled into the room, his hand holding a bottle of sake. As he looked around the room, his eyes landed on the genin.

"These brats are the ones helping me home? A pink-haired prissy, an emo-goth kid and a stupid short blonde?"

At these words, all three glared at him, killing intent spiking through the room.

"It would be in your best interest not to insult these particular ninja." Kakashi informed the old man with an eye-smile.

The man huffed and began his introduction.

"I am Tazuna, the best builder in my village. I paid you people so that you'd come with me to my home and stay there until the bridge we are building is finished." The man, Tazuna, explained.

"Maa, you heard him. We'll meet up tomorrow morning at 10 at the village gate. Bring enough supplies to last for two weeks. Dismissed." And with a puff of smoke, Kakashi left.

With a last glare towards Tazuna, the genin left the missions room and headed home, to pack what they needed for the mission.

On the way out however, Naruto gave Tazuna a closer look, spotting many things he didn't notice the first time this mission occurred, such as the nervousness coming from Tazuna.

With a last glance, Naruto left as well, not noticing that Hiruzen saw him observing Tazuna.

'Naruto has been acting tense for a while now. That's never a good sign.' The Hokage thought to himself, pondering what it was that could have bothered Naruto.

A.N. Sorry that the chapter's short! And to everyone who comments and votes on my story, have I ever told you guys how happy you all make me feel? You guys are amazing!

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