Bell Test (Part 1)

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A.N. This is only the first half because I didn't finish the chapter. So sorry but at least I'm not late...
After breakfast, which Naruto decided to eat, ignoring what Kakashi said, he made his was to Training Ground 7 and arrived at 8am.

Wven he got there, he saw that Sasuke had just arrived as well and Sakura was practically chewing his ears off with her constant fangirling. With a snicker, he jumped onto the tree the two were leaning against and sat down on a branch.

Over the next few hours, the three barely moved from their spots, but one was extremely annoyed though, as she hadn't listened to a certain blonde and ended up not eating breakfast.

Just then, Kakashi arrived with an eye smile and started rubbing the back of his head.

"YOU'RE LATE!" Sakura yelled at Kakashi, anger and annoyance practically leaking out of her.

"Anosa, you see, on the way here, a black cat crossed my path and I had to take the long way here, but after that I saw an old lady crossing the road who needed help, and I just couldn't refuse." Kakashi informed them, with another head-rub.

"USOSTUKI!(Liar!)" Sakura yelled at Kakashi.

At this, Naruto decided to jump down from the tree, successfully scaring the hell out of Sakura, resulting in a slight shriek. Naruto just inwardly chuckled.

"Ok, now that everyone is ready, let me explain the training exercise!"

Kakashi took out two bells and place an alarm on one of the wooden posts. He then began waving the bells in front of their faces.

"You three have to get these bells from me. Those who don't will fail and have no lunch!" Kakashi told them in a voice that was much too cheerful to be real, while taking out two boxed lunches.

Sakura's stomach could be heard growling as he brought out the lunches. She blushed and schooled her features, but a tint of pink was left on her cheeks.

"But Sensei, there's only two bells." Sakura informed Kakashi.

"Correct Pinky! That means that at least one of you will end up hungry. Don't forget, if none of you get a bell you all go starve. Oh, and before I forget, the ones who get no bell will also be tied to the training posts and sent back to the academy." Kakashi informed them with an eye-smile. "You have until the alarm rings at noon. You also have to come at me with the intention of killing me."

"But then you'll get hurt Sensei!" Sakura exclaimed. Kakashi just chuckled.

"Please don't forget that I'm a jonin and you kiddies are genin, ne? Ok, now that the rules have been explained, start!"

The three teens quickly ran into the surrounding forest and hid.

'Hmm,' Kakashi thought to himself. 'Not as bad as the others. And did Naruto hide his chakra signature? Maa, I didn't know he could do that.'
To be continued within two weeks.
A.N. Once again, so sorry.

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