Bell Test (Part 2)

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In a tree, Naruto created a Kage Bunshin to look for Sasuke. He'd have to go in person to look for Sakura, just in case she decides to hit his clone.

As Naruto began walking toward Sakura, his clone was currently looking for Sasuke. Finding him within a few minutes, it began explaining about the actual goal of the test (teamwork) and described Boss' plan to Sasuke.

The Uchiha agreed, but was definitely not happy with the plan. Seriously though, did the Pink One have to be part of the plan?

Back with the real Naruto, he had just found Sakura and began explaining the hidden meaning behind the test.

"Sakura, listen to me. The test isn't about competing for the bells. It's about teamwork."

Naruto's efforts were replied with a snort of disbelief.

"Naruto-Baka, what do you know? You're just the Dead Last. That's so stupid. How on earth could the test be about teamwork of all things? There's only two bells."

Hearing this, Naruto held back a sigh, gave up, and went with his last resource.

"Sasuke will be there."



"... WELL WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! HURRY UP ALREADY! Sasuke-kun must be so annoyed that you're so slow."

After a slight hesitation and a small twitch of his eyebrow, he started walking towards Sasuke's direction, Sakura trailing him.

From the clearing, Kakashi could see Sasuke and Sakura heading towards one other. Naruto however was nowhere to be seen, other then the occasional flash of yellow due to his blond hair.

"Where's littlest brat gone to?" Kakashi murmured to himself. No genin should be able to hide that well after coming straight from the academy.

As Kakashi pondered, not bothering to approach his genin yet, Naruto and his clone guided the genin towards each other, while trying to keep out of Kakashi's sight.

'I need to impress him at least somewhat so that he'd at least try to teach me. Hopefully, all this hiding catches his interest.' Naruto thought to himself.

"Since when did you care if you got training from the scarecrow?" Kurama asked. Apparently Naruto wasn't thinking to himself.

'Because we both know if this time is anything like the first time, we need Kakashi to take us seriously.'

"I suppose Kit. I'm gonna take a nap now. Wake me up when you need me."

At this, the communication link disconnected, giving Naruto his own thoughts back.

As the three genin and one clone approached one another, Naruto's clone told Sasuke to wait where he was and dispersed. Within a minute, Sakura and the real Naruto arrived.

The moment Sakura saw that Sasuke really was there, she squealed so loud the Kakashi would have to be deaf not to hear, if the twitch in his eye was any indication. Without Sakura realising, Naruto wrapped Sakura's mouth with tape, silencing her in an instant.

Luckily, Sakura was still drooling over Sasuke's appearance to notice.

Sasuke glared at Sakura, then at Naruto, having no effect on either, and eventually sighed. Sasuke then had to explain the plan to Sakura, because there was no way that she would listen to Naruto.

As the three got ready, Kakashi finally was able to sense Naruto, but only for a split second, which made him extremely irritated. He was a jonin for a reason God dammit!

Just then, the three genin ran towards him. Naruto used Kage Bunshin and ran towards Kakashi first followed by 20 clones. He randomly punched and kicked it everywhere he could, acting as a distraction. His size allowed him to move and change direction in a split second, and his agility helped as well. All of a sudden, all the Narutos suddenly put their hands in a handsign and yelled out:

"Oiroke no Justu!"

Several poofs where heard and white smoke was seen. After the smoke cleared, all that could be seen were female Narutos completely nude aside from the small floating clouds covering their private areas.

"Ka-ka-shi-sen-sei~" moaned several clones.

Kakashi, no matter how strong, also lost to the almighty Oiroke no Justu that the Sandaime loss to in a different timeline.

With one of the biggest nosebleeds he had ever experienced, Kakashi was knocked off his feet and flew for a seconds before landing back on his feet, slightly dizzy from the blood loss.

However, in that second Sasuke took this chance and used his family jutsu to force Kakashi to move towards Sakura.

"Goukakyu no Jutsu!" He yelled, a giant fireball coming from his mouth.

Kakashi predictably dodged and moved towards Sakura's hiding spot.

Taking this chance, Sakura grabbed the bells and ran towards Naruto, who had turned back to normal. Sasuke followed and the three ran back into the forest, leaving a somewhat stunned Kakashi behind.

Within a minute he chased after the three, but before he could reach them, the alarm went off.

A.N. I know the bell retrieval scene sucked but I couldn't think of anything else and my writing skills are not that good. I can finally be getting back to schedule so I'll see everyone in two weeks.

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