Preparing for the Chuunin Exams

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A.N. These are the final votes because I give up on trying to edit my story. I want everyone to know that romance is not the main genre. It is simply just in case and possible fluffy moments when I desire them. The main pairings have been decided but there will be one-sided crushes. You are all forbidden to hate me because of this. Voting result are:
And I'm sorry for being trash by updating so late.
That is all. Now to the story...
It was a bright and sunny day when an orange blur was seen in Konoha, followed by a pink one, with three blurs in front of both of them.

"Naruto-baka, I'm gonna kill you!"

"Nande?! Why?! It's all Konohamaru's fault! Why are you gonna hurt me?!"

"Boss! She your girlfriend, do something about-"

Halfway through his sentence, he was cut off when he bumped into a Suna ninja.

"Watch where you're going, brat." The ninja said as he picked Konohamaru up by the front of his shirt, shaking him slightly.

"Boss! Help me!"

"Kankuro, put the brat down and stop causing trouble." Said the girl next to the Suna-nin, who was now identified as Kankuro.

"You better put the Hokage's grandson down if you don't want to get in trouble." Naruto said when he realised Temari wouldn't be able to persuade Kankuro to drop Konohamaru.

The two Suna-nin glanced at the child in Kankuro's grip and he was dropped immediately. He ran back to his friends and hid behind Naruto's leg.

Suddenly, Sasuke, who was apparently hiding in a tree, jumped down and said,

"Why don't you come down from there instead of acting like a stalker."

Next to Kankuro, sand began to swirl around until a person appeared in it.

The red haired boy turned towards the Suna-nin and threateningly told them, "Your are making an embarrassment of yourselves. Stop or I'll kill you."

Kankuro could be seen paling under the purple face paint while he stuttered out an apology.

All of a sudden, Sakura decided to intervene.

"Why are-"

And was promptly shut up by Sasuke putting a hand over her mouth.

Naruto then turned towards the trio opposite them.

"You're causing an awful lot of fuss when you're meant to be here for the chuunin exam." He informed them. "What's your name?" He asked glancing towards the red-haired boy.

"Sabaku no Gaara, Garra of the Desert. Who are you two?" He asked, pointedly looking at Naruto and Sasuke.

"Uchiha Sasuke."

"Uzumaki Naruto."

Gaara glanced once more at Naruto, then turned around and began walking away, the other Suna-nin following he.

"That was interesting." Naruto claimed with a cherry smile.
The next day

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! I'm late! I can't believe I'm gonna be later than sensei!" The blond yelled as he ran towards the training ground.

Upon arriving and seeing no Kakashi, he sighed in relief and sat next to Sasuke. By now, Sakura didn't see the point in telling him he was late everyday, so she just sighed and went back to staring at Sasuke.

When their sensei arrived he told them in an overly cheery tone,
"You've all been entered into the chuunin exam!" Which was followed by a disturbingly happy eye-smile and a swift shunshin away from the genin after he gave the the entrance slips.

When Sakura turned around to look for Sasuke, she realises both Sasuke and Naruto where gone.

"Mou, mendoukesai, it's so troublesome doing the chuunin exam." Naruto complained.

"You're sounding more and more like Shikamaru by the day." Sasuke teased.

"Eh? Seriously?" The blond asked, a little surprised.

"Yep. At least you're definitely cuter then him." Said Sasuke.

"You're cuter than Sasuke too you know." Shikamaru said out of nowhere.

Naruto's mind went blank before he blushed as red as a tomato.

'What? Huh? Me?' He thought to himself as he buried his face in his hands.

"Hahaha, I can't believe you didn't notice until now."

'Shut up!'

As the two ravens looked at Naruto blushing the both thought the same thing,


And then both of them the glared at each other while the blond was still trying to process what they said.

'I am not a child! Why the hell am I so embarrassed for! Mou!'

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