Chapter Two: Travel Day

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It still rang in my head.

I heard the conversation between Zelda and Impa. I was gathering my things for the journey to the parties. I planned to travel with Saria and and Midna, but Impa wanted us to travel with her and Zelda. I was out in the grand foyer of Hyrule Castle. "Link, what brings you here?" Zelda asked, coming down the staircase.

"Impa asked me to travel with her."

"Oh, cool," Zelda said.

"I believe Saria and Midna will be coming, too."

There was quite a bit of awkward silence. "Look, I'm sorry about yesterday," I stated. "I didn't mean to make things awkward-"

"No, it was my fault," Zelda confessed.

"Get a room, you two," Midna interrupted. We didn't even notice her. Zelda laughed it off and embraced Midna.

"I haven't seen you in a while, Midna! Why haven't you visited?" Zelda exclaimed happily. They let go of their embrace.

Saria entered the castle, with her green bob bouncing up and down with each eager step. She immediately bowed at the sight of Zelda. Not bowing was a bad habit of mine. What would I do when facing the Fire Emblem royalty?

Impa, entering behind Saria, had a clipboard in hand and a face as serious as always. "Are we ready to travel, Princess?"

"Yes," Zelda answered.

As we exited the castle, Zelda looked very nervous. Then I remembered her fear of inter-game travel. She got more and more nervous as we went on. I reached out for her hand to comfort her, and expecting rejection, I was pleasantly surprised to have her place her trembling hand in mine.


My head hurt.

My left eye twitched.

Did I mention that my head hurt?

I was up and moving, even after Tiki told me not to. After hours of boredom, I was greeted by the friendly face of Samus. "Hey, are you doing better?" she asked.

"Eh," I replied. My left eye twitched even more noticeably. I saw Samus look at my injuries. I completely forgot about the bandage on my head.

"We're about to leave, are you sure you're okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said. I was about to walk forward and stumbled on the carpet. Samus reached out her arm. "It's just the carpet," I explain. I walked forward without any mishaps and she dropped her arm.

We walked out of the room with my things and headed to the crowd. Samus moved to the front of the crowd, but I stayed back. Roy came up to me. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah," I explained. "How's Chrom?"

"He's doing fine," Roy answered. "But an injury like that doesn't mix well with a hangover."

As people exited to begin the long travel, Roy burst out in excitement. "Who do you think I have a chance with? Tiki isn't too bad looking, and how about Lucina? And wait until the parties! You know how many girls we'll meet there?"

I sighed loudly. I was still single, and the girls didn't go crazy over me. I knew I could have a girl if I stopped being so picky, and maybe this party would be the chance for me to meet her.


I looked up through my telescope at the sky. It was a beautiful night. The stars were shining brightly as a gorgeous contrast to the darkness of what was beyond. Then I noticed something weird: there was a tear in the sky.

A big void.

Filled with ones and zeros.


How did I not notice this before? This couldn't have possibly happened in one day.

I gasped. I remembered the 'scratch' on my lens that always seemed to get bigger. I took my eye out of the telescope and looked at the sky. I could see this tear with my bare eyes! The ones and zeros were even visible!

This couldn't mean anything good.

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