Chapter Six: Party Hard

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To get my mind off of yesterday's events, I decided I would go to a party that was mainly for the Fire Emblem crowd, but others could go if they wanted. I got a text from Samus.

Samus: What are you wearing to the party? Are you even going?

I promptly replied.

Zelda: Short purple dress. You?

Samus: Short orange. Come to my room when you're done getting dressed.

I rushed and got dressed. I made my way down the halls.


I heard someone knock at the door. "Come in, Zelda!" I yelled.

I was putting on my outfit. I was going to wear a sequined orange crop top with a matching short, poofy skirt. The door opened for me to find that Zelda wasn't the one knocking.

It was Captain Falcon.

I squealed in a mix of surprise and embarrassment. Captain Falcon, after a second of shock and staring, nonchalantly exited and closed the door.

After I had put on the rest of my outfit, I opened the door and welcomed Captain Falcon in. "Where are you going dressed so nice?" he asked as he sat on the plush carpet.

"The Fire Emblem party."

"Don't you have to be well-rested for the Smash Run tomorrow?"

"I honestly don't care," I replied. I walked over to my vanity and applied some eye-makeup. "My stats are going to drop anyway, I don't see a real need for it."

"Suit yourself, sweetheart."

I heard another knock on my door. "Samus, this is urgent."

It was the voice of Melissa.

She briskly opened the door. "Pardon me, but there is a serious problem. There appears to be a tear in the universe. It's seeping out... Matter, or something like it."

"I've noticed some effects from it. I was attacked by a creature of zeros and ones yesterday."

"Yes! The void was filled with zeros and ones! But do you know what may be causing it?" Melissa asked, happy to be on the right track with her investigations. I caught Captain Falcon glancing at her multiple times.

I didn't want to say what I knew because I didn't want Captain Falcon to hear it. "Look, I don't want to talk about it," I said. "Not now, I have somewhere to be."

I walked out of the room. I ran into Zelda in the hallway. "What's wrong?"
she inquired.

"It's nothing," I muttered. We walked toward the party. It was outside at the pool.

"Are you sure? We can talk about it if you want," Zelda assured.

"I don't want to break Captain Falcon's heart," I confessed. "But I don't want to risk our lives either."

We were finally at the party. As Zelda was about to answer, "Samus! I'm so glad you could make it! I love your outfit! You too, Zelda!" Lyn interrupted. She walked off, taking Zelda with her.

"Help me," Zelda mouthed. I just laughed and smiled back at her. I was relieved to see Marth at the party. I walked over to where Caeda, Ike, and him were standing.

"Hey!" Caeda exclaimed.

"Glad you could make it!" Marth said.


Now that Samus had arrived, I could finally start the party. I planned it and threw it myself, well, with the help of Caeda.

I was extremely nervous.

My hands were sweating.

"If I could have everyone's attention, please," I said loudly. I took the stage set where the DJ was set up.

"First, I'd like to thank you all for coming! It really means a lot. Especially because you don't know why I'm throwing this party. So I would like my amazing, sweet, beautiful Caeda to come onto the stage."

The crowd cheered. She smiled and walked up into the stage. My heart was pounding in my chest.

"I don't think having video game developers making our relationship canon is enough. You are the sweetest, most kindhearted person I have ever met, so you deserve something better than just having someone say we're canon."

I got on my knee and pulled a ring out of my pocket.

"Caeda, will you marry me, and be my wife, whether it's in-game or outside of it, canon or not?"

The crowd exploded. Caeda blushed and exclaimed, "Yes! Yes! Of course, yes!" I placed the ring on her finger. I got up and she kissed me. I could feel her smile on my lips. The crowd went wild.

"Wooooo! Go Marth!" Roy yelled.

"Congratulations!" Tiki exclaimed.

"Let's go Caeda!" Lucina shouted.

Afterwards, the party was great. "Wow, pretty spectacular party you've got going on," Ike said. "I didn't know you could possibly do anything romantic like this."

"Yeah, it's pretty surprising," Samus agreed. "Say, what happened to your injury?"

"Caeda nursed me back to health," I replied.

Ike chuckled. "I'm sure she did."


Two Hours Later

I was walking back toward my room. The party was great, and to see Marth and Caeda so happy.

I heard a voice coming from the hallway. "Get away from me, you already have a girlfriend!"

It was really familiar.

I peeked around the corner to see Captain Falcon sitting next to Melissa. She slapped him straight across the face and got up. Captain Falcon got up as well, and Melissa ran from him. "I'M NOT GOING TO DATE YOU!" she shouted. I ran to my room. I started bawling.

Wow, Captain Falcon. Well played.

Author's Note

Thank you guys so much for all of these views and the support!

I am estimating that this story will be around 15-20 chapters. I don't know if there will be a sequel or not, I'll have to wait and see.

Also, check the conversation page on my profile for updates on my current works and future ones, too.

Thanks so much!

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