Chapter Four: Let the Party Start

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I awoke confused and disoriented.

Then I remembered where I was.

My room was painted lavender and had silver curtains, a silver chandelier, and purple furniture. The canopy of my bed was intricate lace and I could only think, "how much did this entire mansion cost to build?".

The sunlight was blinding coming through the windows. I glanced at the clock, and it was only 7:00. The battles wouldn't start until 10:00.

I honestly didn't want to watch a bunch of people fight, but Link was scheduled to fight Marth, and I wanted to support him.

I decided to look around the mansion. It was very large. Very, very, very large. I heard that there was a game room located on the second floor, so I went to check it out. I was surprised to see people awake at such an early hour. Especially the Fire Emblem girls. They were playing table tennis with Samus. Tiki was spectating the entire thing. "Hello, Princess," she said. As soon as she said that, the players immediately stopped and glanced at me.

The game was about to pick back up, but Samus stopped it. "Hold on!" she yelled. "Would you like to join us? Then we won't have only one player sitting out each game."

I accepted the offer. The first match was going to be Samus and I versus Tiki and Caeda. Lyn and Lucina flopped on the sofa that was nearby.

The game was intense.

Then all of the sudden, we heard people enter the room.


As Marth and I entered the room, a table-tennis ball flew past my face. Then Samus yelled at me. Loudly.

"What the heck are you doing? We're in the middle of a match here!"

Link and Ike entered behind me. "Whoa, calm down," I said, as I inched closer to the table. "Say, how about we have a match, girls versus boys?"

So the match began. It was Samus and Tiki versus Ike and I.

"Actually hit the ball!"

"You serve like a girl!"

"I think Gangrel is a better player than you!"

"This game is worse than Shadow Dragon!"

It was Samus' turn to serve. She hit the ball extremely hard. As it bounced from the table, it hit Ike straight in the left eye.


"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" Samus exclaimed. She ran over to my side of the table and inspected my eye.

Marth also rushed over and winced when he looked at me. "Ooh, dude, that's really gonna leave a black eye."

Caeda rushed to me with a hand held mirror. I looked at the swelling and knew it was inevitable that I would have a black eye. "Let me go get you some ice," Caeda said, rushing off.

"Look, it really was an accident, I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine," I muttered. My eye started to throb, and then the pain really hit me. "Ow!" I suddenly yelled and brought my hand up to my eye.

"Where's a healer when we really need one?" Lyn complained, walking over to us.

"What's with you and constant head injuries?" Lucina said, following Lyn.

Caeda burst into the room with the ice. She handed it to me and I quickly placed it over my swelling eye.

What a great week it's been.


It was time for Link and I to have our Smash battle.





The crowed roared in my ears. I had to represent Altea, and I wouldn't let some teenage swordsman best me. The Master Sword is no match for the Falchion in any way.

Link came on the offensive with a swift uppercut. I dodged out of the way and brought the Falchion down near his shoulder, and after missing, I quickly swung it to the right and hit Link in the ribs, but only with the flat side of the blade. It was enough to knock Link over on right side, and he landed on his right arm. He swiftly got up and managed to jab my torso. I saw blood seeping through my clothes. I brought my blade to his sword, and he quickly deflected my sword out of my hands before I could attack.

It slid off of the stage.

Link quickly put his sword to my neck.


The crowd roared and cheered for Link.

My immense disappointment brought me to reality.

My entire shirt was soaked in blood.

Link's right wrist looked dislocated and broken. Not to mention the fact he was holding it to his ribs.

Caeda and Zelda came onto the stage. Zelda went to Link, and Caeda came to me. "Whoa, your bleeding!" she exclaimed.

My head felt light.

"Are you okay?" she asked. I nodded. The next things she said I couldn't hear clearly.

And I fell.

I heard something like "Help!", but then it all went black.


It was about three hours after my battle with Marth. I was forced to stay in my room in case I passed out from the pain of a broken wrist while I was waiting for a Fairy Bottle. Zelda finally returned with one. "How are you feeling?" she inquired. She let the fairy out of the bottle. I felt the pain start to ease.

"As good as someone can feel with a broken wrist. How's Marth?"

"I don't know," she answered. "I haven't heard anything about him."

I looked down at my wrist and saw that it had healed. Zelda grabbed my wrist to see how it looked. After a thorough inspection, she gently let go of it. "Tell me if it bothers you, we have enough healing resources," she said, but then took my wrist again. She inspected it even more, making sure it has healed correctly.

I felt it was the perfect opportunity to kiss her.

So of course I did.

Author's Note

Hey, everyone! I'd like to thank you guys for reading this.

I apologize for not updating until now, I've been preoccupied with a ton of other stuff, which I know is very irresponsible, but I won't let it happen again.

I've mainly been playing the new Fire Emblem, so tell me, which side do you prefer? Hoshido or Nohr? But please, no spoilers.

I'm going to try and update every Saturday, so thanks for reading and putting up with my awful writing schedule!

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