Chapter 1

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Connie and Jacob were waiting patiently in the car-park of Heathrow airport. Grace was coming home for two weeks and they had arrived at the airport to collect her.

"So,Mrs B, you gonna tell 'er about us or what?" Connie gave him her famous 'death glare' look.

"Yeah, I will, I have to, I'm leaving her for with you for the day on Friday"

"Say what?"

"Well, I have to work, and, I want to see how she gets on with you"

**Beep** Connie had a message, from Grace.

"My flight just landed, I'm going to be in terminal 5, can't wait to see you. love you. see you in international arrivals xxxx"

"She's here, I'll go and get her, have a quick coffee, and then she can officially meet you"

Connie got out of Jacobs car and strutted over to collect Grace, she waited for around ten minutes, and then she saw her.

"Mum!" Grace came running over and hugged her mother.

"Gracie! Good flight?"

"Yip, but only because I was coming to see you"

"Let's go and have a quick drink, theres something I need to talk to you about"

Grace took her mothers' hand and the pair strolled over to Starbucks, Grace organized a table and Connie some drinks.

"So, what do you need to talk to me about?"

"Well, there's someone I'd really like you to meet today"

"Who's that then?"

"Do you remember my friend Jacob i was telling you about a few weeks ago?"

"The one from your work, the one who's 'cheekier than me'?"

"Yes, thats him"

"Why do you want me to meet him?" Grace was puzzled.

"Well... because.. he's my...."

"He's your what?" Grace was growing suspicious of her mothers' strange behavior.

"He's my boyfriend"

"How long has this been going on?"

"Only a few weeks, darling"

"Well, as long as he's nice, i'll be nice back to him, but Dads' got a new girlfriend and I hate her. She's horrible. All she cares about is make-up and her hair and going to the gym. She even tried to get me to go with her once"

"He didn't mention anything" Connie replied.

"Neither did you" Grace reminded her mother.

"I wanted to tell you face-to-face, anyway, lets go, Jacob gets mad when I keep him waiting"

The pair headed back to the car, the amount of luggage Grace had brought you'd think she was coming for 6 months.

"Here we are, darling"

"New car? I liked the old one"

"No,no,this is Jacobs' car, my cars only got two seats and you're too big to sit on my knee!"

Jacobs car was a stunning black BMW 3 Series M Sport. Grace loved it, although she still preferred her Mum's convertible.

Connie knocked on the window, Jacob came out and whispered in her ear

"Did you tell her?" Connie nodded in response.

"How'd she take it?"

"Fine, well, we'll see how she goes"

Jacob approached Grace, unsure of what to say to the shy youngster.

"Oi. Mini Beachamp?"

"Hello Mr Mums boyfriend. Now, I hope your going to look after my mum, she's been through a lot you know, and I can't fly home every week just to make sure she's OK, so I need you to look after her for me, can you do that?"

"You got yourself a deal Missy"

"Pinky promise?" Grace laughed, Jacob nodded.

The trio sped off back to Connie's house, they would grab dinner on the way and then have an evening of bonding. Connie couldn't help but think, after only an hour or so with her daughter, that she was no longer happy living with her father in New York. Would she admit it and say she wants to come home and stay with her? Now she had Jacob, he might be able to help out with Grace when he isn't at work, and she is. It was all in her head anyway. Grace would go home after her two weeks and then she and Jacob would fly out to New York for a week in December with her.

On the way home, Connie informed Grace that she was having to work on Friday morning for a few hours and she would like her to spend the morning with Jacob.

"But Muuuuum...I'm only here for two weeks and you promised....."

"I know darling, I promise I am leaving the building at 3pm and not going back, I have a board meeting that I completely forgot about" Ok, so it was a bit of a lie, she didn't have to go in at all. She wanted Grace to spend the day with Jacob to see how the pair got on.

After dinner, the trio huddled on the couch together, Grace snuggled in between the two lovers, and fell asleep watching movies.

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