Chapter 19

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A/n - I have used Connies surname as Chase in this chapter, as although she uses Beauchamp, her name will legally be Chase following her divorce.

It was the day of Connie and Jacobs wedding. They were having a small ceremony, followed by a quiet meal, and then, Jacob had requested a party, so they were having a party, even although Connie protested she would "much rather go to bed"

Jacob stood at the alter, with his best man, his good friend Christopher, and his two other friends as ushers, Bryan and David. His parents sat in the front row along with his sisters, and Charlie and Elliot stood in for Connie's side of the family. Her brother attended along with her neice Amelia and her younger sister Carly. Finally, she was being given away by her dads brother, her Uncle David and Grace was her bridesmaid.

"You nervous bro?" Chris could sense Jacob was worried


"Don't worry, she'll turn up"

"That's not what I'm scared of, I'm scared I screw up my vows, you know me and public speaking"

"How could I forget?"

"here she is, my stunning bride"

Connie appeared at the top of the aisle, with her Uncle & Grace as her bridesmaid. She wore a floor length white gown which highlighted her slim figure, as she walked down the aisle towards the man of her dreams.

After a short speech from the humanist and a reading from Grace, the pair prepared to say their wedding vows. Connie stood infront of Jacob. She took his hands in his and awaited instruction from the humanist.

"Jacob, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do"

"And Constance, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do"

"Constance, repeat after me"

"I Constance Chase"

"I Constance Chase"

"Take thee Jacob Masters"

"Take thee Jacob Masters"

"To be my lawfully wedded husband"

"To be my lawfully wedded husband"

"To have and to hold"

"To have and to hold" tears started to fall down her cheeks as she repeated her vows to Jacob. She had done this before, but it never felt like this. This felt like love to her, this is how it should have always been.

"In sickness and in health"

"In sickness and in health" a small smile came to her face as she read this and discovered they had more than stuck to this vow already

"And I promise my love to you forever more"

"And I promise my love to you forever more"

It was now Jacobs turn, the humanist asked Jacob to repeat his vows after her.

"I Jacob Masters"

"I Jacob Masters"

"Take thee Constance Chase"

"Take thee Constance Chase"

"To be my lawfully wedded wife"

"To be my lawfully wedded wife" he could see the tears continually fall down Connies face, he just wanted to kiss her but he knew he had to finish his vows first.

"To have and to hold"

"To have and to hold"

"In sickness and in health"

"In sickness and in health" he too realized the true meaning of this line within their vows

"And I promise my love to you forever more"

"And I promise my love to you forever more"

"Jacob, I now request that you put the ring on her finger and repeat the ring vows"

As he placed the ring on her finger, he started to say the vows

"I give you this ring as a symbol of my love for you, just like this ring is unbreakable, my commitment to you will never fail. With this ring I take you to be my trusted partner for life."

Finally, Connie took Jacobs left hand in hers, and she slipped the ring onto his finger, while she was doing so, she repeated Jacobs vow

"I give you this ring as a symbol of my love for you, just like this ring is unbreakable, my commitment to you will never fail. With this ring I take you to be my trusted partner for life."

The pair had tears running down their faces and we're waiting on the humanist saying those final words

"I now pronounce you man & wife, you may now kiss the bride"

Jacob pulled her in close and latched their lips together, as the pianist started to play "chasing cars" on the piano.

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