Chapter 15

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Ben was now 4 weeks old and Jacob had gone back to work, leaving Connie on her own with Ben. Jacob was on early shift so had left at 6am, and she was supposed to be taking Ben into meet some of the ED staff today, as per Jacobs request. She rolled over and picked up her phone: 0812, she'd managed quite a long lie, without being woken up by Ben, which was unusual, she saw a little piece of paper folded up on her bedside:

Morning babe, fed & dressed Ben for you this morning, enjoy your long lie, see you laters, baby. Kisses, Jacob xxxx

What a sweetheart he was. He must have had to get up extra early to do all that for him, she rolled over onto her side and fell back asleep until Ben woke her up again.

It was around 12pm, and she decided it was time to get ready for them both to go into work, she sat Ben in his baby bouncer while she did her hair and make up infront of her bedroom mirror. She sat on the floor with her legs crossed in a basket. She cooed at him and he gargled and smiled back at her.

"My baby boy" she whispered to him as she rocked him back and forward. She finished getting herself ready and picked him up and held him in her arms, he was still small, he had weighed just over 8 pounds at his last weigh in. She strapped him into his car seat, gathered her things together and headed out to her car, strapped him in and headed for work.

When she arrived at Holby, she headed straight into Charlie's office, where he was sitting behind the computer, she sat Ben in his car seat on the counter, Charlie obviously didn't hear her come in as he didn't look up from his machine.

"Hello stranger" she said

"Connie! Good to see you! Hows tricks? Hows baby?"

"Good to see you too! Tricks are good, I'm actually really enjoying spending time with my kids and Jacob and not being in here! Baby is good too.. did Jacob tell you his official full name?"

"Connie Beauchamp enjoying the domestic housewife life? Well I never. No chance of you coming back soon then? No.. go on.. enlighten me!"

"Hahaha.. I need another few weeks Charlie, he's a good baby but Grace, she's still a handful. He's called Ben William Charlie Masters!"

"Awh Connie! That's so sweet"

"Well, I had to name him after the lovely nurse that brought him into this world, and my Dad, he would have loved him.. he really would. Do you want to hold him?"

Charlie nodded, she took Ben out of his car seat and placed him in Charlie's arms. Ben let out a small giggle in agreement with his mothers decision to place him in Charlie's care. They chatted for about ten minutes, until she decided it was time to go and find Jacob, she took her baby boy back from Charlie and rocked him in her arms, bouncing him around.

"Right Charlie, I'm off to find Jacob"

"I'll go and get him, give me a minute"

Charlie left the room and Connie stayed in with Ben, chatting away to him as if he really understood what she was saying, a few minutes later and Charlie returned with Jacob, and Robyn.

"As soon as i said you were here she wanted to come and see the baby, she wouldn't take no for an answer"

"It's alright"

"Oh Mrs. B, he's gorgeous, can I get a cuddle, please?"

"Yeah, I suppose, his father will just have to wait" she stuck her tongue out at Jacob as she handed Ben to Robyn, who instantly bonded with the baby. Jacob moved over to beside Connie, and put his arm round her, and she rested her head against his chest. Robyn decided it was time to get back to work, so handed the baby over to Jacob. A few of the others came in to see them, including Zoe.

"Ahh isn't that a gorgeous family photo" she said as she came in, Jacob was standing holding Ben and Connie was snuggled into him, with one arm around Jacob and her other one playing with her son's feet.

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