Chapter 16

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"Morning Mrs. Beauchamp, welcome back" Jack, the fiery receptionist welcomed Connie back with quite literally, open arms. She gestured her hand and he handed her some patient files and headed to her office, where she was followed by Charlie.

"Welcome back, how is Ben?"

"He's fine, he's spending the day with his father, whom I have warned NO weightlifting with him" she joked.

"He settling in OK?"

"He's fine, but Grace, um, she well.."

"She what?" Charlie enquired.

"She walked in on Jacob and I last night, we thought she was asleep!"


"Yes, very. She just said "bye" and ran back to her room, she knew what we were doing, she's not stupid, kids are so grown up these days, but I don't know what to do, do I mention it to her or do I just pretend nothing happened?"

"I think you have to address it with her.. especially if you want to avoid it happening again"

"I am SO not looking forward to that"

"Right, I'll see you out there?"

"You will!"

Just then, Connie's phone beeped. It was Jacob.

"Call me ASAP xxxxxxxx"

Connie panicked, something must've happened to Ben, why else would he need to speak to her urgently while she was at work.

"Hey, it's me, what's happened?"

"Nothing, can you check if we can get time off from the 12th for just over a week? My Mum and Dad have booked a holiday to Portugal along with my bro and sis and wondered if we wanted to go around the same time as them"

"Is that it? You had me scared half to death! I'll check later, I can take it off as long as Zoe's here. I'll get back to you"

"I love you"

"You too, now bye, I've got to go, patients to treat and board members to appease"

"I'm home!" Connie yelled as she entered her house after her first day at work. She headed straight into the lounge and lifted Ben out of his moses basket. She rocked him back and forward in her arms and he started to giggle and smile at her.

"Hey beautiful, I'll have dinner ready in about 20 minutes for you" He gave her a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Aww thanks baby, where's Grace?"

"Her bedroom"

"Ah OK, I need to go and talk to her, about last night" she gently placed Ben back in his moses basket. "I'll be back soon"

She headed upstairs to Graces' bedroom, she snaked her head around the door.

"Can I come in?" she enquired.

"Sure" she sat on the end of Grace's bed.

"I need to talk to you"

"If it's about last night, it's cool, I should've knocked"

"I should've locked the door!" She laughed. "No baby, really, I'm sorry"

"Don't be, it's cool, I'd be more worried if you weren't doing it. In fact, a girl in my class at school walked in on her Dad with her Mum's best friend. She was off school sick and he thought she was in her room ill. As long as you're doing it with Jacob - I don't care, I just want you to be happy"

"When did my baby get so grown up, are you really not bothered at all?"

"Really Mum, as long as you're being safe, I really don't want another brother or sister!"

"Don't worry, I don't either" Connie pulled her baby girl into a protective hug.

"Come on, let's go downstairs, Jacob made fajitas!" Grace took Connie's hand and followed her downstairs. She sat in the sitting room cooing at her baby brother, and Connie went into the kitchen to see Jacob.

"I spoke to her, she's cool with it, but she told me to 'be safe' the cheek!"

"Your baby is all grown up"

"Awh I know!" Jacob pulled her into him and her lips met with one another, embracing the other in a passionate kiss, just then, Grace walked into the kitchen to find out when dinner would be ready, and if her Mum wanted her to give Ben his bottle.

"Eww, can you two please get a room!"

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