Chapter 5

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"Morning - someone had a late night last night? Everything alright?" Jacob said to Connie, as she looked at herself in the mirror, with her hands nestled on her tiny, perfectly formed bump. It was the day of their 16 week scan, where they would find out the gender of their baby.

"Yes, I know, I was on FaceTime with Grace"

"Is she alright?"

"Not particularly, she wants to come home and live with me, well, us"

"And, do you want her to?"

"Oh Jacob, of course I do! I told her she needs to discuss it with her father, who text me saying 'Connie, we need to talk, urgently - can we arrange please? Sam' very official - I told him to call me at work around 2pm, but I won't be making any decisions without speaking to you first" Jacob clasped his hand around hers and rested them on her tummy, and his chin on her shoulder. She smiled and rested her head into his.

"Love you" she whispered gently into his ear.

'I love you too, but we're going to be late - come on" Jacob grabbed her hand, and they keys to her Mercedes-Benz and the pair headed off to their appointment together.

"Congratulations, you're having a baby boy, a very healthy baby boy by the looks of it" Charlotte delivered the good news to the pair.

"I can almost see his biceps on the scan picture" Jacob joked, and Connie gave him the death glare. Charlotte did a few more tests and sent them on their way. They returned to the ED, hand in hand and went straight into Connie's office, Zoe followed them in.

"Connie, I know your just in, but we have a major RTC, and their requesting a doctor and nurse on site, who would you like to send?"

"Dr Chao and Alicia please Zoe, Jacob, would you like to go?"

"Yes, I'd love to, I'll go and get Lily, Alicia and the kit"

"No heroics Jacob, I need you!" Jacob left the office and Zoe and Connie engaged in conversation about the department.

"Oh! before I forget, you can be the first to hear the good news!" Connie searched in her bag, and took out a photo, and handed it to Zoe.

"Meet my gorgeous bouncing baby boy!"

"Awww congratulations - a mini Jacob!"

"Yes - please don't remind me that in about 5 months im going to have two of them to put up with and not one! Anyway - I need you to take charge today Zoe, Sam's calling in about 2pm to discuss Grace, she called me last night, in tears, saying she wants to come and live here with me again"

"Isn't that a bit out of the blue"

"No - when she was here a few weeks ago she mentioned it"

"Oh, well I hope you get it sorted out soon"

"Me too"

Connie had a busy day ahead of her, casualties from the RTC were coming in hard and fast, but she was very conscious of the time before Sam called her. Suddenly, Noel came and found her in resus,

"Mrs Beauchamp, I have a Mr Strachan on the phone"

"Put him through to my office please, Jacob, I need you with me in my office"

The pair headed to her office where she took the call

"Hi Sam, how's things"

Connie nodded as Sam delivered the story to her.

"Sam, she's my baby girl, of course i'd have her home in a heartbeat, but I need to be sure that's definitely what she wants, and also, my partner, he has to be OK with it too."

Sam continued to speak to Connie. She scribbled on a piece of paper to Jacob.

"How do you feel about Grace coming to live with us, permanently"

"Absolutely fine by me baby xxxxx" Jacob wrote back.

"Sam, stop. Are you one hundred percent sure this is what she wants? You know she means it? I've spoken to her on FaceTime but its not the same as being with her in person"

"Connie it's definitely what she wants. She doesn't get on with my partner, she hates it here, but she gets on with yours, she thinks he's fabulous"

"Sam, I'm coming to get her - soon, I'll need to find out when Jacob and I can both get leave, but it has to be soon, I don't want to fly when i'm much further on hold on, - Jacob - can you go and get me the leave book from the staff area"

Jacob quickly returned with the book, Connie studied it in great detail, while she kept Sam hanging on the line.

"You do want to come don't you?" Jacob nodded.

"So i've got no one off this week - and neither does Rita - that'll do" Connie thought to herself.

"Sam - I can come out, depending on when I can get flights, in two weeks, how's that?"

Sam mumbled for a bit and went and spoke to Grace.

"So that's that then, I'll book some flights tonight and let you know, can you text me Grace's passport number please? Speak soon, bye"

Connie eventually got off the phone. She looked at Jacob.

"So my baby's coming home" Her life was finally falling into place, perfect boyfriend, her daughter was coming home, and early next year, she was going to have another baby. Jacob pulled her into a hug and the two shared a passionate kiss.

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