Chapter 9

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Authors Note: I felt the story had kind of hit a brick wall - I have moved it on 1 year and created my own character. Her name is Amelia Chase, she is 25 years old, and a registrar. She is also Connie's niece, her brothers daughter. They moved to Glas gow when Amelia was 5, however she has fallen out with her mother and moved down to Holby to work with Connie as a position came up in the ED. Connie is 8 months pregnant with her and Jacob's child. Finally a little treat for the Zax fans - Zax are ON ON ON!

"Jacob, what are you doing in? You're supposed to be in Birmingham for that training course!"

"Chill babes, course doesn't start until 12, anyway, I just nipped in to pick up these, I'm heading off now, plus, Lofty's late. Again" Jacob rubbed her growing bump "Not long now babe"

"Connie" Amelia appeared "I'm really gonna need your help in resus - Iain just called to say there's a patient coming in in a really bad way, I'm not experienced enough for this, I need you to lead and I'll assist... ETA 3 minutes..."

"Ok... I'll be through in a minute. I'll see you tonight OK.. And behave on that training course!" They exchanged a quick kiss before Connie headed to resus and Jacob went to wait on Lofty.

Charlie and Connie were down in the basement, collecting some medical supplies, when all of a sudden there was a loud explosion.

"What the hell was that?!" Connie gasped.

"I'll go and have a look" Charlie left, returning a few minutes later

"I don't know what's happened, but, we're completely trapped in here, the doors locked from the outside and there's no fire exit. There's a fire, I can hear the alarms, and smell smoke"

Connie had gone completely chalk white. Charlie looked over to her

"Connie, are you alright?' He was concerned for her anther unborn child.

"Yes...No...Not really"

"What's the matter - and I want the truth"

"I think I'm... in labour"

"Are you sure?"

"Charlie I've had two children, of course I'm sure"


"Well two including this one... Jacob's gone off to that course, he'll never make it back"

"I don't think he was away yet. I'm gonna try and ring someone.. You need medical attention"

"Well you're a nurse and I am a doctor"

"That's not what I meant.. and you know it"

Charlie searched high and low for a signal, eventually, he managed to get a hold of Rita.

"Rita, its Charlie, what's happened? I'm with Connie, we're trapped in the basement, and she's in labour"

A few minutes later Charlie returned to Connie.

"Ok.. I've spoken to Rita, the explosion we heard was a delivery lorry smashing into the ED. The damage is massive, there is a huge fire engulfed the department, Rita has informed the fire crew where we are, they can't get to us as the fire is blocking the only way in and out, but we've got a few hours before we're in danger, they say they'll be able to get to us before we're in any real danger"

"Looks like I'm giving birth in here then" Connie joked "Charlie, you're going to have to help me"

An hour passed by and Connie's baby was being closer and closer to being born. She was sitting on the floor, resting against the concrete walls Charlie sat beside her, and pulled her head against his chest.

"You'll be alright. I'll make sure of it"

"And what about the baby Charlie, it's 4 weeks premature... He or she is going to need immediate medical attention"

"You're a doctor.. and it's Mum.. you'll think of something.. Just concentrate on giving birth first"

Suddenly, Charlie's phone rang. It was Rita.


"Charlie.. how's Connie?"

Charlie moved away where he could hear Rita more clearly

'She isn't good.. she's pretty close to being fully dilated, and the baby is still 4 weeks early and going to need medical attention"

Charlie continued to chat to Rita for a while. Connie sensed there was something wrong.

"Ok thanks Rita, keep doing what you're doing"

"What's wrong Charlie?"

"Nothing - Rita just wanted to update me"

"You're lying, if somethings happened to someone in my team I want to know about it"

Charlie sat down next to Connie.

"It's Jacob, Connie"

"No, it can't be - he's in Birmingham"

"No one saw him leave Connie, his car is in the carpark and Lofty never arrived.. They've found a body.. and he matches Jacob's description. I'm really sorry, but right now you need to concentrate on you and that baby. I will not let you give up. Think of what Jacob would have wanted"

"Trying to be the hero again no doubt" Connie burst into tears, Charlie pulled her into his chest, promising her she'd be OK, and that she'll always have him, regardless.

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