Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


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"Does this man have a name? Medical insurance?" the nurse was demanding as we waited in a crowded waiting room with the handsome stranger.

"We are not related. But he is one of my farm hands. He can be billed on my medical plan" Daddy offers.  I sigh feeling relieved that Dad was going to help this poor man. They had to see him.

"What is his name?" the lady demands to know. I look over at a poster. It read "Take a chance and get your bill of health checked. Get a flu shot today"

"Chance" I pipe up.

"Chance what?" she demands to know.

"Chance...." I stammer.

"Chance Jenner" says my daddy. His old army buddy's last name had been Jenner. I heard daddy mention him a lot.

"Alright. Fill out the forms for Mr. Jenner please" the nurse demands to us. She hands us a clip board with papers. This sucked! Here this man was bleeding on me. He needed help! For all we knew he could be bleeding internally or something! I quickly help daddy by filling out the paper work.

"There now see this man!" I snap at the nurse once we were done. I had this man's blood all over my clothing. He was losing blood fast here.

"Be right with him" she defies my request as she walks away with the information.

"Daddy! How can they ignore him like this! He is hurting!" I say feeling anger rise in me.

"He will be seen soon" says my father. He had more patients then I did.

"Chance Jenner?" the nurse calls the man's fake name.

"At last! Can we get a wheel chair?" I snap at the nurse. She glares at me for ordering her around. She gets a wheel chair. She helps us place the poor man in it. We head on back.

"What happened to this man?" she questions us.

"The tornado hit then hit his car. He crashed into a tree" I tell her. "He has been passed out for a long time" I hear a groan come from the poor man's lips as they help him on the bed.

"Please let us know what is going on with him?" I beg.

"We will run tests. Find out what is going on" she vows. I nod. Dad and I head back to the waiting room.

"How are you sweetie?" Dad asks me. I break down. I hug him. Tears fall fast.

"You made it. You are strong" he reminds me. Back when I was a little girl I did not hear the tornado warnings going off. I nearly got sucked into the tornado. It took out our barn. And two horses. If Dad had not found me I would have been taken up in the storm.

"You are alright" he tells me once more.

"I hope the man will be alright" I tell dad as we sit down to wait it out.

"Me to. So what happened to this young man?" dad asks me.

"We were in the storm. The truck was spun around the road. We saw the man's car be tossed in the ditch. He hit a tree head on. Then he was out like a light. The tornado was heading. Sari and I headed out to the car. We dragged him out right when the tornado hit. We saved his life" I stammer shakily.

"You did the right thing doll" he vows.

"A lady was on the other side of the road from us daddy. She was taken up in the storm. She was killed" I say softly. Dad wraps his arms around me.

"Thank god you are safe" he sighs as he holds me close.

"I don't get why I was so lucky to make it and she was not lucky" I tell him.

"The ways of the world. We never will fully understand them" sighs dad.

The nurse comes back out.

"How is he?" I demand to know.

"He has a broken arm. And a broken leg. They are fixing him up now. He had three stiches placed in his forehead. We gave him pain meds. Other than that he will be alright. We will keep watch on him here" the nurse tells us. I sigh.

"I am so glad he will be okay" I tell the nurse.

"You are welcome to go back and see him now" she tells me. We head back in his room he was placed in. They were finishing up on placing a cast on his poor left leg. He had bandages wrapped on his forehead. My heart went out to this mystery man. Did someone worry about him out there? Did someone love this man? I could not help but wonder.

"Thank you" dad tells the nurse as she leaves the room with the doctor.

"What is this man's real name?" dad demands to know.

"I don't know daddy. Sari and I tried to find an id on the man. He had no wallet on him" I tell my father.

"Huh. Maybe he had something in his car. On my way home we can stop by and check" he offers.

"Good idea dad" I agree. I sit beside my handsome young man. I felt so badly about his situation. I bet if his family or friends were around they would be here for him. But they could not. No one could tell them about him.

"I am going to head on home. Tell your momma you are safe and sound okay? Want to come with me? Take a shower? Change? Eat dinner?" dad offers.

"No, I want to stay. He needs someone to be here. He will be confused if he wakes up alone" I tell dad.

"You are to kind sweetie" he laughs. He hugs me. "I am so proud of you"

"Thanks dad. I want to do the right thing" I say. Dad nods. He hugs me before heading out the door. The man's heart beat was going strong as he slept.

I reach over and place my hand into his. I lace our fingers together. He had a friend. In me. Until we could get him back home again.

I made a pack then I was not going to leave his side. He needed me. Even if later he did not think so.


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