Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

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Well it turns out Chance found out who he was. His name of course was not Chance. It never was. I knew this. His name is Jordan Knight. He had been married or was. He had two boys. My heart ached inside. I had to let Jordan go. He was never mine to start with. My family was having his friends over for a fair well dinner. I did not want to be apart of it. It hurt too much to. I skipped dinner all together. I hid down in the basement. I knew the time was going to come to say good-bye. I just never knew it was going to be so soon. Tears come to me. I never lost a love before. It was a good thing I never told him I loved him yet. I did. With all my heart. Now I was never going to get to see him again.

I lay on the couch all curled up wearing my sweat pants. I was on the lap top. Googling Jordan Knight. This man was pretty amazing. He had a beautiful voice that made me melt more for him inside. He was unreachable to me. He was heading out of my life. It was nice while it lasted. I brush a tear aside. Hurt sinks in.

"Jean Smitty?" I hear someone say my name softly. I look up to see Joey. One of Jordan's friends.

"Hi. Sorry, I had no idea anyone was here" I say as I shut the lap top.

"How could you? I came looking for you" he laughs.

"Oh what do you want?" I ask him.

"I wanted to come personally thank you for rescuing one of my very best friends. You were so brave to do that. Now his kids will have him back" Joey tells me as he smiles at me. Wow his eyes were really blue...

"Oh not a problem" I tell Joey. I smile sadly.

"What did you call Jordan before...oh Chance?" laughs Joey.

"You see we were in the hospital. The lady would not see Jordan. I see the saying take a chance on the poster. So I lied. I told the lady his name was Chance" I giggle.

"Pretty clever" Joey tells me.

"Thanks" I laugh.

"Well Jordan wanted to say good-bye before he leaves. He was asking for you. I thought I would try to ask" Joey mentions.

"I am just not up for that. I can't" I say softly. I look away.

"I understand it has to be painful" Joey says to me.

"Has any of Jordan's memories come back yet?" I wonder. Joey shakes his head no.

"Not yet" he mentions.

"Oh...I hope he regains his full memory soon" I worry.

"Me to. Maybe having him back home will do that" Joey tells me. I nod.

"I hope" I say. Joey nods.

"Jean you are a brave girl. Thank you" Joey tells me once more before he leaves. He hugs me. I hug him back.

"No problem" I say. Joey walks upstairs. Jordan was leaving me. Tears come to me.

"This is not good-bye" I hear someone say. Jordan. I look over to see him standing there staring at me sadly.

"Jordan...don't" I whisper softly.

"I know you have to be hurting so much right now. I would give anything to take that pain away. But I can't. You are not going to be out of my life just like that Jean. I care to much. I can't let you go" he says softly to me as he walks over to me. He pulls me off the couch. He touches my cheek with his hand. He looks at me sadly. I look away.

"You are married" I say softly.

"So what? Maybe it was not meant to be. Things happen for a reason Jean. Don't give up on me. I will come back for you" he vows to me. He leans in and kisses me. "This is not good-bye" he vows after the kiss ends. He walks out of the room leaving me there. Tears come over me. Why did good-bye have to hurt so bad?


Sorry this one is a bit short. The next will be longer!



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