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_time-skip to 2 days later_

Lucy P.O.V

I decide to go to the guild,I mean,why not,I have nothing better to do.I get up out of bed and take a shower and all that stuff.I re-wrap my arm too.It was healing better but it still hurts sometimes.I walk into the guild and go to the bar."Hey lucy,"Mira says.

"Hey Mira."

"How's that arm,"she asks pointing at it.

"It's actually really well!"

"Great,You sure can be reckless like Natsu sometimes."I laugh and roll my eyes.

"Speaking of Natsu,why aren't you on the mission with them?"

"Well my arm kinda hurt,and he said your sister would take my spot,"my voice cracks at the last word.

"They kicked you out?!"Mira says shocked.

"No,she's just probably taking my spot for that one mission,"I say.

"Ohh ok."

Just then Natsu ,or team natsu,come in.Lissana was right by natsu smiling all big and wide."Geez,you guys have gone for at least a week or so,"Says Mira.

"Yeah,the job was a tough one,"says Natsu.Natsu then looks at me and smiles."Hey luce,you okay?"Before he comes up to me,Lissana pulls him by the arm."Natsu,rember you said when we get back we would go catch fish?"

"Oh yeah,mabye later,I'm really tired,"He says.Lissana makes a mad face and walks out ,stomping her feet like a little kid.I thought catching fish was our thing.I expected natsu to go after Lissana,so I lay my head down,

I felt sad I guess.

I got up and started to walk home.I looked at the ground the whole time.I got home and sat on my bed and stared at the wall, like usual, until someone came through the window.Natsu came in ,which scared me so I jump up."Natsu,use the door would you?!"

natsu ignored my question of course like always.

"Hey, I was looking for you,"he says.

"Oh ,you were,"I say knowing he was probably lying so he wouldn't make me mad.

"Yeah,why'd you leave?You know I wanted to see you."

"You did?"I would imagine he wouldn't since Lissana seems to be all over him.

"Lucy of course.When have I ever not wanted to see you,"he says looking into my eyes.

"well uh..........I thought you didn't because you ran after Lissana after she got mad about the fish thing,"I say looking away from his eyes."Oh no,I went to tell Erza I don't want her take your spot again,don't get me wrong,Lissana is nice and all,but she's defiantly change since I first met her,she is really stubborn now,"he says,which gives me a little relief.........

"Luce......What's wrong,"he asks,putting one hand on my shoulder.

I take his hand off.

"Natsu,I already said nothings wrong with me,"I was completey lying.There was something wrong,and I wanted to tell him so bad I was thinking about leaving,but something was still feeling me he liked Lissana more.

there was silence for at least 2 minutes.I look down the whole time.I wanted to tell him so bad!Well ,since I was overflowing with emotions,I break down crying.I couldn't keep it in anymore.

"L-Lucy ,what's wrong?"Natsu asks.in a worried tone.

"I-I'm w-w-we-ak!"I spat out.

"Luce,of course your not!"Natsu says.

"Y-yes!I-I am!Th-thats w-why Lissana t-took my sp-spot!!!LOOK AT THIS STUPID INJURY,"I raise my arm up,"I CAN'T DO ANYTHING FOR MYSELF!!!!!!!"I cry

"Luce."Natsu whispers

I continue to cry.Natsu then wraps his arms around me.

"Don't cry luce,I swear you're not weak,you're Lucy heartfillia no one could ever take your spot ,I wouldn't let them,injuries happen too.And we're all here for each other ,that's why I saved you.Lucy,when you didnt go on that mission,I felt like something was missing,and that was You.This mission was hard because we didn't have your strength,that's why it took so long,and Lucy,I missed you so much,"Natsu says in a soft comforting tone.I finally calm down."Thanks Natsu,but I know I am weak and you're just saying that to make me feel better,"I say pulling away.
"Lucy,you know I mean it,"he says looking into my eyes.I look away.
"I don't know,"I say.
"Luce,your not, why would I ever lie to you?"
"I-I don't know.." I say quietly."Exactly,so do you believe me?"he asks.
"Ok,good,let's go back to the guild now ok?"
"Y-yeah ok."
Natsu then smiles and grabs my hand and we run out together.

You know what, I don't think I wanna leave anymore ..

Hey hope you guys enjoyed :D

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