Chapter 3: On my own

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><Jaden Jackson><

"Jaden, Please! Give me a chance!" Crain growled. I finally told him why I didn't trust him. I didn't trust Merle either. At least he wasn't alone. Crain followed me as I walked down to the lake, begging me. "Crain!" I snapped. "I did give you a chance! I gave you many chances! But I finally realize that if I let you hit me, and I don't punish you, you'll just do it over again!" He looked taken aback by my sudden snapping. "God DAMN IT Jaden! It was an accident!" He snapped back, in his own defense. "That's why I was hit more than once!" I became quiet. "You'd say that you would never be like dad... but your just like him..." I said in a hushed tone. Crain opened his mouth as if to say something, but I walked away. I climbed the trail back up to the main part of camp, looking back as I reached the top. Crain was hitting rocks, kicking pebbles, and throwing stones.
I sighed again then walked over to Glenn. "How'd it go?" He asked. I shook my head and Glenn sighed as well, looking back into the fire. "I need to get out of here Glenn." I whispered. His brown eyes looked back up to mine. "We cant leave the group, Jaden."
"But we can! They can't force us to stay here!" I slightly raised my voice. "It's safer here, Jaden!" Glenn also began to raise his voice, standing up. He wasn't very much taller than me. "Since when do you care about safety?" I asked, looking into his eyes. "Since this place became a living hell!"
I glared at him. He may be older than me, but that doesn't mean shit!
"Why cant it just be us Rhee's?!" Glenn Placed his hands on my shoulders. "This group needs us!" I shook my head, biting my tongue. "NO! They need you!" I spat then walked off into the forest. Why couldn't my brothers be like me?! They always got on my nerves!
"UGH!" I growled and threw my fist against tree. "Mother Fucker!" I hissed in pain and held my injured fist close. When I looked at I began crying. My knuckles were cut open, small slivers of the tree stuck out from my skin, blood dripped out of each cut. I couldn't open my hand. And I also couldn't tell if it was broke or...
"Jaden?" I heard the gruff voice of the Dixon brother, Daryl. "What do you... ow!" I cut myself off as an intense throbbing began in my hand. "What happened?" He asked. Its like he didn't care that I was in pain. "I punched the tree.." I said, slightly embarrassed. "Well, you know that hurts..." He said in a sarcastic tone. "No dip fucking shit!" I said, already annoyed. Daryl scoffed and walked closer, pulling my arm towards him so he can see my fist. He gently ran his thumb over it, causing me to almost cry at the pain. Again... "You have slivers of wood inside of it, it could get infected." I give him a 'no-duh' look.
"Do you wanna go away for a little bit? You know, like go deep into the woods or something? Return later tonight?" I smile and nod at his question. Alone with him? That'd be nice...
Since when did I like the ass hole Dixon brother? Now I guess... "That'd be nice." I say, repeating the words in my head. Honestly, now that I realize it, Daryl is kind of attractive. Short brown hair, beautiful blue eyes, he's muscular and sarcastic. His personality... well I like it. Even if he's being a dick. I smiled up at him and we walk into the woods, farther than we've both been.
"Do you... did you work out before this place became a shit hole?" I asked him, walking around the trees in my path. "Sometimes, when I had the time. Why? You checkin' me out?" I blushed and speeded up. How did he know?
"You didn't deny it..." He said, catching up to me. He stood in front of me, in between two small trees, an arm on one of them. "But I didn't say I was either.." I went under his arm. "But still! You still didn't deny it, so you were!" I rolled my eyes. "Fine. You caught me." I raised my hands up in surrender and sat down on the ground. "So. What did you do? Ya know, 'before this place became a shit hole.'" He said, mimicking me. "I was many things. A mechanic, animal trainer, bartender, and a dancer." He raised an eye brown then pulled me up. "A dancer? Like a stripper?" I began to laugh and walk back. "No, dummy. A street dancer." He rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks slightly pink. "I knew that..."

"Thanks Daryl." I say in a hushed tone. "For what?" He said in his 'I'm a Dixon, I'm a dick' tone. "For taking me out into the woods. I really needed that." I smile. "Any time, Jaden." He smiled in return. "You know what?" He raises an eyebrow. "I'm just going to have to deal with my problems on my own. I cant ask Glenn or Crain for help." He scoffs and walks away, but I swear I heard; "There's always me..."

His Weakness: JadenWhere stories live. Discover now