Chapter 6: "Apology Accepted"

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"Jaden's awake?" I asked Glenn. His smile grows bigger and he nods wildly. I looked to the ground and sighed. I have to try. I got up, weak from not eating and sleeping while Jaden was out, and leaned against Glenn for his support.
I'm surprised she lived.
"Glenn?" Daryl asked, only seeing half of Glenn. When he came out the door, he scoffed seeing me. "D-Daryl?" Jaden called with a raspy voice from inside. Its like I gained a new strength or something because I pushed off of Glenn's shoulder and ran inside, shoving past Daryl. "Crain?" She whispered, disappointment clear in her voice.
"Glenn... cou-could I have a moment alone with Jaden?" I asked. He nodded and walked out, closing the door. "Jaden, I missed you." was the first thing I could say. "Crain. I don't really wanna see you right now, so just speak what you have to and don't waist my time." Wow... that really hurt... literately.
I took a deep breath and sighed. "Listen Jaden. I'm sorry... for everything. That night when I hurt you, the gun shot.." She shook her head and silenced me.
"Crain. Does sorry fix broken hearts?" I tensed up. I already knew what she was getting at. "No." I said sternly, leaning against the counter in the R.V. "No, it don't. So what makes you think that sorry will fix a shot gun wound?" I looked away. "Sorry doesn't fix shot gun wounds." I looked at her, my eyes brimmed with tears. How could she do this to me?
No wait...
How could I have done that to her?
Whats done is done. I began to clench my fists and grind my teeth together. "God damn it Jaden! We are family! Family ALWAYS make mistakes! I already told you it was an accident!" With that being said, I slammed my fists against the door, opening then I stormed away. I cant believe I thought she'd forgive me! I stormed past most of the group members and into the forest.
Tears of anger rolled down my cheeks. I cant believe I hurt my sister so bad to where she cant even let me apologize. Rustling sounded around me but I ignored it. I didn't know I would regret it. A walker stumbled out of the trees and stopped me. I was frozen in shock. The walker had skin torn away from its scalp, its inners were now it's outers... It stood in front of me and dug its dull teeth into my shoulder. "MOTHER FUCKER!" I shouted and shoved it away. How could I have let this happen!?
I kept pushing it away and watched Glenn run over and kill it. 
I collapsed and squirmed in pain. I watched Amy turn... it took her longer. Already it felt like I was dying inside. "Bring him to camp!" Glenn ordered. The men did as they were told. When we returned to camp, I seen Jaden standing outside the R.V. with Daryl at her side. When she seen me, she tried to run to me, but Daryl held her in place. I'm glad he did. she'd injure herself if she came over here.
I began to sweat. Why was I changing so fast? "Crain!" Jaden got on her knees next to me. Daryl stood next her. "Crain! I'm so sorry!" I reached up and cupped her cheek. "Don't be..." I gave her a faint smile then bunched up. The intense pain was now in my stomach and chest. "He's changing!" Jaden cried in a whisper. "No brother! You cant leave me!" She cried on my shoulder. It was painful, but I wanted to spend my last moments with her no matter what. "I-I'm sorry Jaden... for everything. I-I should have been more careful..." 
"Shhh" she placed her hand to my mouth. "Don't speak Crain." I pushed her up off of my chest as I felt the puke coming up. I leaned over and coughed up what ever I had in my stomach. But it was stuck in my throat. My vision was dimming. My body was becoming weak. I was dying.
"take her-" I cut myself off with another set of coughs. "away!" I cried. Daryl pulled her up and away. I heard her last words to me;
"Apology accepted brother... I love you..."
I gestured to Shane's gun. "D-Don't let me turn..." I cried. I made sure Jaden was in the R.V. before I nodded. Shane pulled his pistol out and aimed it at my head. "I'm sorry, Crain.." Then he pulled the trigger.

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