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Lexi's P.O.V

Hey there my name is Lexi Hails

I live in a small apartment with a kitty named Oreo in L.A

I am a scene I have been for awhile now

I have black and blonde hair with hazel eyes,

"Josh, I trusted you" a tear streamed down my face "why?"

"Because your a hoe" he said madly

"W-what?" I cried

"You heard me, if you weren't such a whore I probably would not have cheated on you, but you are so I did"

"You said you were never gonna hurt me" I sobbed a bit

"Well guess what? I did"

I honestly have nothing to say I stand there with tear falling and josh standing in front of me,

"You are useless, you can't even say anything back, why did I even fall in love with you?"

I put my face in my hands I am pretty used to getting hit so I don't mind

He suddenly walks up to me I look up

I thought he was gonna kiss me and say sorry....

But he didn't he punched me across the face causing me to fall back

I laid there feeling........ Empty not crying nor pain my eyes are open looking at the clouds in the baby blue sky,

I can't breathe I am trying to catch it

"See?" He chuckled kneeling down to me "your useless, you should be used as a maid"

He gets up and walks away leaving me there

Finally I breathe normal again tears streaming down again

H-he hit me, why would he do such a thing?

I unlock my apartment door sobbing like crazy,

Oreo runs up to me meow

I giggle "your Hungry?"

I pick her up and then walk to the kitchen to get some food for her

I put her down and opened the fridge

I grabbed the wet cat food opened the can putting it in a plastic plate and putting it on the floor,

She continues eating as I go on my phone scrolling though insta

I get a call josh

Oh shit

I answered it "h-hello?"

"Hey meet me at the park right now" he said then hung up

I was shaking cause who knows what he will do to me

Once I got to the park josh walks up to me fast I flinch when he grabs my skinny face and............... Kissed me?

Hey der so this is my first HU story do please don't hate

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