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Lexi's P.O.V

I was standing there in shock "Ben?"

"Hey, what happened to your arms and face?" He asked lifting my face

I looked down "umm nothing... Boxing you know?" I chuckled nervously

"Oh. Well my band is starting to play I got to go" he said.

After the show

I needed to get Josh off of my mind so I walk to the bar which was a block away

I sat down at a booth and waited for a waiter "hey what would you like?"

"Jack Daniels please" I said tracing my 'dead but living' tattoo that was on my thigh (she is wearing black shorts with a blue short sleeved flannel top)

I took a deep breath then the girl came with my whiskey

I sat down with the whiskey in my hand and my other hand on my head

"Hey cutie" said a guy sliding next to me

"Oh god you scared me" I said holding chest

"Woah what happened to your arms and face?" He said taking my hand and looking at my bruises

"Umm n- boxing" I chuckled

"It looks bad are you ok?" He asked I nodded

We started talking about life and stuff nothing interesting

"So wait. What band did you say your in?" I asked full on drunk

"We are in Hollywood u-undead" he said almost falling over making me laugh

"Hey there you are! Who is this fine lady?" Said another guy sliding next to Deuce,

"This is Lexi" he said resting his head on the guys shoulder

"Lexi this is funny man aka Dylan"

"Hey" he smiled his smile was so god damn cute I don't think I ever felt like this about anyone before I smiled back "hey"

"Ohhhhhhh iiiiiii seeeeeeee wwhaaatttss ggggoooooiiiiiinnnnggggg oooooonnnnnn hhhhheeeerrrrrreeeee" said Deuce slowly

"Umm.... No, I don't like to flirt with anyone, especially people I just met" I said not wanting to date or do "it" with him cause he seems so innocent and I don't want to break him,

Another guy came sliding in the booth along with three other guys

"Hey who is your sexy friend here?" Said guy sliding next to me putting his arm over me

"Erm.... Matt this is Lexi. Lexi that is Matt aka da Kurlzz"

"That is Jorel aka J-dog" pointing to a guy next to Matt

"That is Jordan aka Charlie Scene" pointing at a guy next to Deuce

"And last but least that is George or Johnny 3 tears" he pointed to a guy with a sailors hat,

"Umm hey guys I am-" "really fucking hot" said deuce which made me blush

"Deuce! No! She's miiiiiiiinnnnnneeee!" Yelled Matt hugging me tighter

"Umm no... I'm not anyone's I just met you guys" I pulled Matts arms off of me

"Oh come on" smiled Deuce and kissed me.

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