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Lexi's P.O.V

Today I get discharged then someone walked in my room I look it was a doctor

"Hey doc, I'm ready" I smiled

"No" she sighed "your not ready to leave this hospital, your ready to get out of the rooms, just not the hospital"

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying, Lexi your not ready to go home, we are gonna have to put you in a mental institution"

"NO!!" I yelled at her "I'm not staying here for another hour!"

"You have to I'm sorry, but, you have a drinking problem, suicidal thoughts, and your a drug addict, you need this help" she explained

I backed up to the wall and gasped

"Bu-" "Lexi this is for your Health I promise, you can be out of there in a week or so" she cut me off

I sighed a tear rolled down cause I knew HU wouldn't wait for me,

"Ok" I simply said

"You will be out of her in no time" she smiled happy that I said 'ok'

But I'm not staying in here for a week that is insane I will go insane

So I think on my second day I will break out,


I sat in my room waiting for my roommate until someone knocked on my door

I looked and there she is my cousin, Andy.

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