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Lexi's P.O.V

I woke up in the back lounge with Dylan beside me I chuckled and got up

He grabbed my waist and pulled me back down with him and I giggled

"I left for five fucking hours came back very tired the least you can do is lay with me for a while" he hugged me tighter

"Ok!" I laughed,

"I'm hungry let me go eat you prick" I laughed trying to get out of his grip

"Fine then" he fake cried I kissed his cheek and got up going to eat

Andy came out of hers and Jorel's bunk with messy hair

"Well someone had fun last night" I smirked

"Shut up and cook me food mommy I'm hungry" she acted like a five year old,

"Ok daddy" I laughed and started making sandwiches

"We are almost in Hollywood" Matt yelled from his bunk

"Were almost home babe" Dylan hugged me from behind and kissed my neck

"Yes and I will be able to see you everyday" I smiled

"Can't wait" I felt him smirk against my neck

I turn around and grabbed his face kissing him,

"I love you" he smiled

"I love you too" I smiled back

"I think we have one show then we can go home until our next album comes out"

I smiled then kissed him softly words can't express how much I love him I swear,

He lets me go and I finished making the sandwiches

I gave Andy her sandwich then ate mine and went back to mine and Dylan's bunk

"Hey we half an hour away so we need to start getting ready" Andy said loudly so everyone can hear

"Ok!" Everyone yelled back

I jumped into the bunk no Dylan he is probably in the shower,

My today's clothes will be; black ripped skinny jeans, gray tangtop, and a black and red flannel with my black vans

Once I finished changing I walked out and sat in the back going on my phone

I got a notification from twitter I clicked on it

Ben - starting to tour around without my sister Lexi going to miss that annoying bitch haha

Lexi - no your the annoying bitch you spilled water on me when I was sleeping when we were seventeen you asshole ha

I shut off my phone and turned on the tv


We all cheered and went back to what we were doing.



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