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Lexi's P.O.V

I woke up in a hospital I looked around wondering what happened

"Lexi?" Asked a voice

I looked seeing George at the door way

"George" I smiled he ran up to me and hugged me

"What the hell were you thinking?" He asked trying to stay calm

"I was thinking of death" I spoke my mind

"No you are not leaving that soon, I don't know what I would do if I lost you" he sounded serious

"I know George, I'm a failure" I cried

"No your not, your my unicorn" he said hugging me

"Who made you think like this?" He asked

I sighed "A-Ar-Aron" I stutter,

"That bitch is going to get it" he said getting up in anger

"George!" I yell but I was to late

"Fuck" I mutter.

George's P.O.V

If that bitch thinks he is going to hurt Lexi and act like no shit happen? He is wrong, that piece of shit is going to pay

I walk around the streets of Russia trying to find that piece of shit

I walk up to our tour bus and hear two girls giggling

I walk in and see Aron getting a lap dance while the other is kissing Arons neck,

"K girls party time is over get out" I ruin there "fun time"

They get there coats and leave

"What the hell George, I was going to get some!" He snapped

"And you call Lexi a whore? Your the whore here, two girls, she was drunk, she didn't know what was happening" I snapped back,

He got up "I can fuck who ever I want it's her that's the true slut"

He pushed his way though the hall then walked off the bus

I chased after him grabbing his shoulder turning him around then he pulled out a gun putting it to my forehead,

My stomach and heart dropped.

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